Sunday, June 16, 2002

heyyyy a friend sent me an email regarding the qualities of her dream guy (e.g. boyfriend and the likes), and made me list out mine too ... ok not MADE.. FORCED, ORDERED, more like wuahahah ok i'm just kidding, don't come and slaughter me! being the good girl that i am *everyone pukes* i have dutifully written down my list of 20 hehe =) check it out! i will explain the choices too hehehe (as you can see i am wayyyy too bored)

1. he must love me for who i am, not who i am not and who i mite be
-> very cliched but so true don't you think? this is the basis of every relationship!!!

2. no smoking.
-> definitely not. i don't want to go out with a cigarette butt. thank you very much ;) don't smoke!!!!!! it sucks!!!!!

3. has a matching sense of humor
-> so we can go all silly and hehe and haha the nite away!! =) as they say, looks go but humor/smiles doesn't, something like that wuahahha i'm getting it all mixed up, but anyways, it would be so horrible to be uptight and serious all your life with no smiles and laughter =) hehe humor is what makes everything seem possible when everything else looks so bleak =) hehehe ahh another quote -> if you don't have a sense of humor, you will be the butt of everyone elses.

4. not APPEAR overly lecherous
-> ok i used the word appear bc... uh hum i bet there is an Austin Powers inside every guy hehehe =) so yup, not letting the AP guy run the entire show, flaunting his MOJO and his other creepy desires would be nice =D the rest is all natural so it's fine.

5. taller!! =) hehe
-> my personal quirk. im quite particular about that. i know there's this whole lot of 'you shouldn't care about what other pple think' etc. stuff going around, but yeah, unfortunately, i remain unwavered wuahaha =)

6. older or of the same age
-> not a single second younger =) again, personal quirk. maybe it the asian values are coming into place too i dunno hehe =)

7. does not have to share the same interest, but ahhh has to be able to carry on a good conversation
-> according to an ancient chinese saying, 'eyes are windows to the soul' BUT i beg to differ... conversations are! =) hehe besides i am the talkative kind of person (can't you justs see, from the amt of blog entries? hehehe) so the other party has to talk too, or else i will get laryngitis (sp) wahaha...

8. GREY MATTER! i require grey matter (oh dear this is starting to sound like a shopping trip down to the wet market)
-> *we interrupt this list for a special announcement. while she was talking about grey matter, the author noticed someone in the estate (time now is 11:25pm) trying to howl like a wolf. that, she notes, is NOT an action of a person with sufficient grey matter. back to the list*

9. maturity of thought
-> self-explainatory. no nappies please! ;)

10. has to be kind to animals
--> by kind i mean, don't kick them or illtreat them in any way =) umm INSECTS DON"T COUNT wuahahha hehe running away is ok tho, just don't whack them or anything!! compassion! hehehe but of course, don't show compassion to a lumbering 20 foot high i dunnowhat! =) plus, if your life is in danger... yeah, you get the msg =)

11. know how to treat a girl rite
-> wuahhaa great stuff, line 11 =) hehehe *shyshy*

12. be suitably masculine!!!!
-> NO EFFEMINATE MEN for goodness sake!!! *remembers power tv news report of effeminate guy expressing love for taiwan VP via huge billlboards* ahhhhhhhhhhh *jumps out of skin*

13. not too much of that male chauvanist thing
-> *whines* DAD!!!!

14. decent enough in terms of looks
-> heheh definitely not extremely repulsive =) hehee but yeah, reasonably decent will do hehehe i'm sorry but i cannot break into the 'looks don't matter, only personality does' group of people. =( guilty as charged hehehe =) remember my infamous line? *everyone nods and yawns* repeat after me! hehe LOOKS ATTRACT PEOPLE BUT IT IS THE PERSONALITY THAT MAKES THEM STAY!!!!!! =) *everyone relieved that it is over and done with*

15. build-wise, not overwhelmingly chunky (buff) nor skinny
-> neither an iron washboard nor beancurd nor beanpole hehehhe oh dear i am sounding soooooo gross =) NEXT

16. get along well with my friends and parents
-> believe me, not getting along with either is a definite gonner. it'll be pure hell i tell you =S

17. understanding enough to know that i need my personal space sometimes too =) TRUSTING tooooooo
-> think 24/7 bodyguard.. NOT hehe. Trust is VERY VEry VERY VERY VERY important to me!!!! a relationship is nothing without trust. that is all i will say =)

18. *sniff sniff* smell ooh heheh
-> no BO please ;)

19. nice, masculine, soothing voice
-> awwwwwww.......... *snuggles*

20. be supportive of what i do! =) hehehe my hopes my dreams yep
-> my rock! heheheh =)

THE END.. aren't you glad? hehee

sounds like i will never have a boyfriend... wayyyyy too picky hehehheh uh oh *guys run away* COME BACK!! hehehe

you kno, after so much of this and that, i bet you anything that the list would thrown away the moment you really like a person hehehe =) in fact, it would be almost hilarious to compare your list, if you do make one, with the qualities of the boyfriend that you are in a relationship with =) it is then that you will realize the true essence of LOVE *romantic music plays* oh man, no matter what shape and size (hehe) the guy is, you will still love him for it hehehe yay!!!

oh oh and for all your single people out there, take heart!!!! meanwhile, love yourself hehe it's the best thing that you can do for yourself. you deserve that! =)

that's all for now going to sleep!! hehehe NITE nite .. and try not to dream of me wuahahhaha


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