Monday, July 29, 2002

have you ever spent 30 minutes on a bus, listening to a particular guy in blue, suffering from an incurable bout of verbal diarhhea spew out the entire contents of his miserable pea-sized grey matter? frequently punctuated, at EVERY alternate interval, by the very pugnacious word, 'fuck'?

its pure hell i tell you. however, it is also very amusing, for after 30 minutes of continual verbal incontinence, he had mentioned nearly nothing of importance, but, to his credit, about 25 million 'fucks'. That guy would seriously stand a chance in getting his name plastered in one of the obscure pages of the Guiness Book of Records for the must number of 'fucks' in a sentence.

I notice that this entry is getting quite... jarring, in terms of content. and so sadly i would have to leave mr. blue to his incredible vocabulary talent and get a move on.


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