Squeeze and Lick.
That was the topic for today's morning radio talk show. I had no idea what sparked the grave discussion, but i reckon it definitely had something to do with an overprotective, paranoid parent who insists on monitoring his/her child's every move. The sort of parents that would install spy cams all over their kids dorms and prevent their kids from taking public buses. Got my drift? Good.
Apparently, there is this sweet out there in the market that is advertised by the very honest and animated slogan of 'squeeze and lick'. Well, according to some people, it looks phallic. No, actually they think it IS phallic. And they don't take the trouble to hide their views either. In fact, they just LOVE to belt them out loud.
right. uh hum. i must not lose myself.
Before i go on, do check this out:

Ok this candy sells by the same 'squeeze and lick' slogan, but is anything even slightly phallic about it? I should think not.
As of the time of writing, i have no idea IF at all the sweet is suggestive, but chances are it probably isn't.
TO BE CONTINUED. I am sorry i have to do this, but I"M TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i don't want to put crappy, 2nd grade stuff over here =) hehe so i will continue this tomorrow *yawn*
i do hope my inspiration remains. i have ALOT to write on this.... but argh... but my attention span and consciousness would not allow for this .........................
*sigh* i want to be able to survive on oxygen alone and NOT be tired.
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