Sunday, September 22, 2002

i was walking out of the national library today when i almost walked into this door frame right next to the escalator. apparently that's where the guards enter the building floor every morning before the gates are up, and AFTER the gates are up, all that's left is the door frame... and the door of course. now, i have been visiting that library every odd weekend never had i ever noticed it before. and i probably wouldn't have noticed it if i hadn't almost walked into it, not a very helpful way of 'discovering' something but there you go.

that incident, as ridiculous as it may seem, got me thinking about how most of us get so wrapped up in our little worlds and our little (or big, whichever) problems that we don't notice the things around us.

i mean seriously, are we even aware of the going-ons in our immediate environment?

so perhaps next time when you go out for a walk or even a grocery trip, try being alert and pay attention to the surroundings, and i'll bet that you'll notice something for the very first time.... hopefully without walking into it. =)


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