Tuesday, October 29, 2002

|| listening to: Barenaked by Jennifer Love Hewitt ||

down with the president.

i say that merely to express my personal dissatisfaction with the meatball that is currently head of the nation, and by saying that, there is absolutely no intention of physical action. nor do i want to head a uprising. i'll leave that to dear darling mr. sun, thank you very much.

as anyone who has been faithfully keeping up with the taiwan political scene would know, the taipei city will be electing its mayor for the 2002-2008 term in december. and, as everyone knows, elections always bring about the best and worst of the politicians involved. unfortunately, this time we are seeing more of the bad side of humanity, so to speak.

it fills me with disgust to learn that after four long years, the head of the nation is still unable to accept with open arms his defeat in the 1998 taipei city election. worse yet, he has swiftly transformed his inability to generously accept failure into pure, sputum-spitting spite. you can almost see the hatred in his eyes as he stood by the progress party's candidate, vociferorating with all his might, the very juvenile 'Seven Commandments of Mr. Ma.'

in that very jarring list of commandments are words dripping with sarcasm - 'mr. ma can do no wrong', 'if mr ma says he did no wrong and yet the people insist that he is wrong, then the fault lies with the people', 'if everyone says that mr. ma is in the wrong and he rebukes that statement, then he did no wrong'... and so on and so forth.

kinda reminds me of kindergarten times, don't you think? oh wait, i don't even think we stooped that low then!

instead of putting his finger on what exactly mr. ma isn't doing for taipei city, he indulges himself in criticizing, and complaining about how mr. ma, after his visit to hong kong, did not report back to him. and just because of that, he had inferred mayor ma's actions as being 'disloyal to the country' and 'siding with the PRC'.

well hello, just because you were not granted hong kong visas because you are the head of the nation, doesn't mean that you have right to direct all your animosity to the mayor! what do you expect him to do huh? come running to you as soon as he steps off the plane? wouldn't that be more suspicious, should those big guns in Beijing be spying on this entire scenario?

how about picking up some genuine, factual, valid reports for once? what? can't do that? OH right, because there AREN"T any nits for you to pick. its just so much like Marcus Brutus justifying with his generalizations and assumptions, without even a tenth of his nobility and class.

in fact, such a sensitive issue of national loyalty should not be used as a matter of debate in the elections at all, and of all people to do such a low-down act as to gang up with the candidate to mock the CURRENT mayor, he, the president, just had to do it. I mean have you ever heard of anything like this before? the president ganging up on one of his cabinet ministers, so to speak. this just makes a whole mockery of the entire election, not to mention being an international embarrassment to taiwan, and the people who voted for him.

why he is even the president? look at his mandarin, if you can even call it so. he cant even pronounce his own name right, for god's sake. ever since he became the president, half of those overseas taiwanese are unable to understand his speeches because he refuses to make himself understood. i for one don't understand his speeches.

all this talk about including taiwanese in the nation's syllabus is such a joke as well. the entire world is undergoing globalization, and there he goes, trying to alienate his nation from the communications of the world. is that not taking a few hundred steps backwards while other people march on forward? look at the nation right now, less than 10% of the people know english, and STILL you are trying to add this internationally-unknown dialect into the syllabus? sure i understand that its going to help alot in your elections because people in the deep South are going to vote for you, but can you please for ONCE just think about the future of the nation and not your own selfish bonanza? sheesh. your own cabinet ministers can hardly understand the new textbook for goodness sake!!! OH wait, it shouldnt be that they HARDLY UNDERSTAND - its more like they TOTALLY DO NOT understand it at all. Watch the news, Mr. President, you'll realize what a big fat joke it is, with your prized ministers stumbling over a primary school textbook.

And wut? Ex president Mr. Lee has written a book by the name of 'Forgiveness and Kindness'? Is he running for the Dalai Lama or something? I would hardly dare to think that such a charismatic person like him would have sufficient material to write a book of such a bombastic name. Oh come ON, Mr President, if you want to talk about disloyality, why don't you talk about Mr. Lee instead? He for one is SO biased to the Japanese, being a halfblood himself.(no offence to any other person) Why don't you ask him why he resiliently refused to have his heart-bypass operation done in taiwan, choosing instead japan? ( yeah sure, the technology is probably better, but if you wanna think of silly reasons, then why not this one as well? its just as dumb as your HK excuse) Plus, Mr. Lee wants to give a copy of the book to Mayor Ma too, cuz apparenlty, according to him, Mr Ma just ain't forgiving enough.

Oh hello, would you care to review the situation here, cuz i think you got it all mixed up, mr. chen water flat. i wonder who is the unforgiving one here.

Has anyone realized that the other candidate, as far as this entry goes, does not even have a name? That's because he is so insignificant in the entire electorial process!!!!! I don't even KNOW his name!! and it doesn't even matter, because his election is merely a facade for that punk (yes i too am down to namecalling, but i am entitled to that, because afterall i am merely a 16 year old in the midst of adolescence, not a dang president!!!) that is the president to vent his frustration regarding his falling flat (no pun intending) in the election 4 years ago.

I say, poor candidate. He's really the one suffering now.


you go guy, win that election - come out and run for president in 2004!!!!!!!!

that loud-hailer has had its fun ;)


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