Monday, January 06, 2003

fuego. bruciare.

tell me, do you pronounce f-u-e-g-o as few-go or foo-eh-go?

and how do you pronounce bruciare? do you say 'broo-she-eh' or 'broo-she-are' ?

or, how WOULD you pronounce them anyway?

its like shu uemura, with uemura being the center of everyone's pronounciation debates... oi-moo-rah?

and then again we have the infamous 'buffet'. innocent, delicious sounding word, but after asking three people, i received three entirely different pronounciations: boofay, buhfay, and bahfay respectively. it didn't help that the three people i asked were all from different countries. (singapore, new zealand, usa: new york )

but i digress.

i cannot care less how buffet is pronounced, but i do want to know how on earth the name of my orientation group is pronounced.

damn. why can't my group be the simple 'oceano' or 'foresta'? and 'cielo' wouldn't be too bad, too.

but fuego. FUEGO.

for the next round of orientation, instead of fancy sounding fuego and bruciare, i suggest


at least nothing will go wrong with that.


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