Saturday, December 27, 2003


if you've not got your hands on the LOTR soundtracks yet, get them today! its so beautiful, especially the theme song by enya. i think soundtracks have a huge role to play in all movies. try watching a movie without the background music - without it there is no atmosphere, no ambience. horrid, really. the sad wouldnt be so sad, and frightening not so frightening. this is especially so for LOTR. oh boy i cried BUCKETS during the last installment. my eyes (eyebags?? hehe) were totally swollen and my face puffy. it was Titanic in terms of the boohoo. (but better, i say!)

and i so love all the names of the characters and places in the story. the words just roll of the tongue so smoothly, like the best wine. i especially love minas tirith, isengard, pippin! (the p sounds!), aragorn, arwen, boromir. oh boyy. heheh. literary heaven, this is!


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