Friday, March 19, 2004

its election time

you know, its irritating how everyone's treating taiwan politics as a huge joke. i mean, yeah well it IS some time, but it really is about a country's well-being and its people's welfare. its humiliating enough to have people laugh at your president and the cabinet (and truly, they brought it upon themselves) but still its hella embarrassing.

and i find it extremely REVOLTING that you people talk about taiwan politics like its your business. well its NOT okay? leave taiwan's politics to its people. don't comment if you dont know shit. it hella pisses me off.

oh yeah and what is wrong with you CHINA pple?? why on EARTH do you want to bomb people of your fellow race? do you really care so much about politics, or do you think its just a little game for kids to play huh? command and conquer? i dont think so. its people you are talking about here, declaring 'BOMB!!' would just make people HATE you. HATE HATE HATE you.

yeah and chen better not win tomorrow. taiwan's gonna go down if he does another 4 years, wut with his lousy character and sly tactics. up yours chen!


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