Tuesday, June 18, 2002

*phew* the end of another orchestra rehearsal =D hehehe it was fun while it lasted, but gosh spending a whole day in a freezing room isn't my idea of FUN. especially not during summer break. *drained* we just received the rehearsal schedule all the way from late june to july. GOSH IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm sorry to have to resort to vague vulgarity... but but AHHH i am seriously going to expire. =S here's the equation

4 days of non-stop rehearsal (bear in mind that there are only 7 days a week) + practising + school + studying + homework (god... HOMEWORK) = dead vicky. *sobsobsobsobs* someone comfort me!!!! now the concert BETTER be good, after all the effort put in. otherwise, i'll personally go out there and strangle ... i dunno ANYONE!!! hehehhe oh well, that's a good reason to sit far back in the auditorium!!! =) heheh anyways, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get tickets to the concert!!! *begs* COME ON!!! support the needy!!!! =O make it all worthwhile for us!!!! wuahaha p.s afternoon tickets will be cheaper by 2 bucks hehehe so yeah =) COME PLEASE COME!!!! and APPLAUD us!

i've noticed that those pop-up windows have become a common sight when you visit... practically every site. what's the hype about those tiny spy-cams? what exactly would be a good use for them? they do mention in the popup ads. that those spycams can be used for 'fun' and 'security'. in my not-so-humble opinion, that's more like 'pornography', 'sick humor' and 'intrusion of privacy'. honestly, what is so important that you have to keep your eyes on 24/7?? and secretly too!!! i would just die if say, my husband were to spy on me like that. dash that. i would SUE if ANYONE.. absolutely ANYONE did that to me!! i can understand the purpose of those security cameras, but uhm... why not just keep it as SECURITY cameras? and not those darn, microscopic little things that would get lost in the hem of your skirt? it doesn't make sense!!!!

oh well, on another note, mom has left for taiwan this afternoon... without me!!!! *cries* aww i would so love to go back, even if it is only for a week. hehe i'm easily contented =) she paid absolutely NOTHING in terms of airfare!! the airplane ticket was bought for only SG390. no prizes for guessing which airline tho. hehehhehe i'm just hoping that she gets there safe and sound =S china airlines has had one too many accidents man!


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