Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Yes, so white people should be banned from wearing Asian prints unless they pass a comprehensive exam on Asian history and culture. also let's tear down the U.S. Capitol building because it exploits Greek and Roman arcitecture. while we're at this joyful purging, why not ban pizza because it isn`t authentic italian food but an exploitation of italian culture. Indeed, lets just do away with the infamous Caesar Salad because it has nothing to do with the great Roman ruler, and originated in a humble kitchen in Chicago, a result of leftover vegetables?

Ban Cinco de Mayo celebrations for anyone who isn`t Mexican. No celebrating St. Patricks Day unless your 100% Irish. In fact lets ban American beer: it's simply an exploitation of German culture and not at all authentic. Jazz music was formed by fusing African rhythms with European instruments, what a perversion. and since blues, rock, hip-hop and rap all derived from the same roots they should all be banned too as exploitations of pure african tribal music and pure european classical music.

Asian kids should be banned from wearing baggy pants and other black inspired clothing. Chinese woman should be required to bind their feet to pay homage to tradition.

*uh hum* that's enough now.

Wake up people! We're in an increasingly globalized environment. Everything here was borrowed piecemail from other cultures. And being oblivious to certain origins of certain cultures definitely does not make one ineligible to take part in the riches of that culture.

*pant pant*

NB: it seems to me that i have lost the focus of this entry. =S oh well. nevermind.

oh but yeah, i did felt indignant when in 'Molly' (i think) the only person playing a drooling, delirious mental patient repeatedly croaking out demented verses of 'Old MacDonald had a Farm' was a Chinese.

But OHHH they can't use blacks for that role anymore can they?


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