Sunday, November 03, 2002

|| listening to: EMF - You're Unbelievable ||

- phew -

i am finally done with an entire book of Social Studies.

i've been thinking... i wanna do another site revamp come november 21st. my website layout is totally crap, plus half the things inside don't even load. i've got simply tons of things to add on to my site, but no time. i'm not too sure as to whether i will change the blog layout tho - am quite happy with this one.

time for some updates, they've gotten quite few and far between lately... or so i feel.

well, first off, i've got the plane ticket to taiwan booked. They cost me SG440 - ought to have taken up my mother's offer and booked the ticket to san francisco instead. Tina's having term break by mid-december anyway. ho hum. Cousin Wendy (Tina's sister) will be visiting taiwan on january 2nd. wut an absolute bummer.. she comes and i have to go. anyhow, Tina will be visiting Singapore (and Taiwan) come summer next year. awesome. i hope to visit taiwan and the US and return with her =)

let's see now, other than the vacation plans, i will be going to Genting with Serena, JY and Kai on the 29th of this (yes this!) month. It's going to be my first trip to Genting, and 3rd trip overall to Malaysia. Quite unbelievable, how foreign i am to the place, having resided in this little island for the entirety of my life. We will be visiting the amusement park over there, and FINALLY get to take pictures for this little pseudo-collage-cum-pictorial thing we've been wanting to do for so long.

After returning from Genting on the 1st of december, I will have to do some extra-speedy packing for the next day's 8 am flight =/ i keep having this premonition that i will miss the flight. horrors. while in taiwan, i will be visiting the various universities. its nice to know that it is very likely that i will be doing my undergrad studies in taiwan. let's hope everything turns out well and i qualify for the national taiwan university (NTU. yeah it sounds uncannily like the nanyang technological university but no, believe me, its hecka lot better). Will attempt to get a part time job too, while i'm at it... oh, and finally get my taiwanese identification card. that's just SO overdue. =)

Its going to be quite interesting, me going back to taiwan by myself. i mean, i did it the other time while on the Youth Study Tour and took the plane alone one this other occasion... but mmm navigating taiwan by myself... this is a first. oh yeah.

|| listening to: Kid Rock - Cowboy || groovy.

right. a friend from the tour will be going back to taiwan too, and i'll get to meet up with her. =) i wonder if some other people will be going back too? it would be simply awesome if that eventuates.

what else what else? oh yeah, i'm kinda looking forward to 2003. for once, i'm finally going get PAID for teaching... not the piano tho, the guzheng (zither). i wonder if i am up to the task. and i'm going to volunteer at the zoo and/or SPCA!!! whoopeedoo. mmmm can't wait to get out of singapore actually, or, rather, can't wait for the exams to be over. i've got so much planned @_@

but yeah, i am studying for now!!! oh wow. i have not blogged this way for wayyyyy too long. ahhh blogging is relaxing. you just throw everything on your mind on the screen and bingo, you're done. a real stress-reliever i say.

aight i'm going to have a nice long shower and then hit the sheets. getting tired.

nighty night.


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