Saturday, December 07, 2002

hi all,

i'm currently in one of those funky photo-developing shops that provide free internet access. free i say.. free. =) hehe

slightly miffed that i didn't find this shop earlier tho, because as some of you might know, i spent a hell of a one hour in this internet gaming cafe that's RIGHT NEXT DOOR, hyperventilating because of the bloody cigarette smoke. i absolutely smelt like a cigarette butt by the time i was through. you wouldn't believe the pain...

its only been less than a week and i've successfully spent NT 5000. that's hardly anything to be proud about, because it means that i'm going to run low on cash halfway through the trip, get bored to the bones in the other three weeks that i'm here, and finally, kill myself a couple of times when i find stuff nicer and cheaper than the ones that i got. hardly anything to look forward to.

oh boy i can't seem to write anything right now, cuz i just wrote 2 very lengthy emails that just about sapped all my linguistic abilities. =) plus i don't really feel like repeating stuff for the third time in the past half an hour. so, updates some other time, maybe.

enjoy the rum-pa-pa-pum people!


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