Saturday, January 11, 2003

The Anderson Family (as presented to me five days a week)

a teacher who cannot explain intelligeably why water's maximum density of 4 degrees celsius helps in the maintainence of life in winter. she speaks in biological jargon that no one besides herself understands. in short, she cannot teach. has a crush on male lecturer though. smiles and giggles in a very repulsive manner when he speaks to her.

an effeminate teacher in his mid 30s who insists on livening up his lectures with some very delicate hand movements and vocal gymnastics. charming.

a wrinkled, balding man with a tendency to laugh at his own jokes. a crowd-pleaser, for it always gets the guys in my Orientation Group shaking erratically with laughter. refuses to adhere to proper english pronounciations. o-wighty.

my bet is that she's definitely not a Epicurean. speaks like a bullet train - possible alien implant. awfully articulate though, and probably has 'The Faculty' as her favorite show. good teacher, this one.

physical education:
strong and buff. looks like a bear. probably has a degree in the art of speaking. but needs to learn to keep it all within an hour.

missing since last friday. have never seen him. no one takes attendance for my class for that reason. probably abducted by aliens.


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