Tuesday, June 10, 2003

WHOO HOO!! here's another round of a mighty survey!! =) *high w/o drink*

[Spell your first name backwards]: airotcivv
[The story behind your xanga user name]: goth goddess... mm kinky
[How old?]: Seventeen
[Where do you live?]: Braddell

[Wallet]: leather gido
[Clothes worn daily]: quite different =) but if i'm staying home, its top + shorts all day long, baby!
[Shoes]: boots boots boots and adidas trainers.. boy are they comfy or what?
[Handbag]: my little red clutch. tasteful! [
Favorite top]: halter halter. actually i'm not too sure =)
[Perfume/Cologne]: poison by elizabeth arden
[Piercings]: 0! hehe i'm entirely free of that
[What you are wearing now]: singapore zoo shirt and faded shorts
[Hair]: tied up with maroon scrunchie =)
[Makeup]: au naturel, cuz i'm tired and am about to go to bed

[In my mouth]: a tongue and teeth.
[In my head]: cobwebs
[Wishing]: more vacation time!!! and to go back to taiwan
[Talking to]: vivian
[Eating]: green bean soup ;) i hate the beans tho
[Some of your favorite movies]: gosh i cant think... =S my big fat greek wedding?? i dunno.
[Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming months]: WINTER BREAK.yeah, definitely that. or that party at the pub on wednesday....
[The last thing you ate?]: green bean soup heh.
[Something that you are deathly afraid of?]: deep water, bad stuff happening to my parents and loved ones
[Do you believe in love]: yes
[Do you believe in soul mates]: yes
[Do you believe in love at first sight]: yeah! the world IS superficial afterall =)
[Do you believe in forgiveness]: for a worthy cause, yes
[If you could have any animal for a pet]: pig / horse. oh wutever.
[What are some of your favorite pig out foods?]: salt and vinegar lays! goldfishies!
[What's something you wish you could understand better?]: spanish
[Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?]: tina and robbie *yeah, you, mr cubbie*

In the last 24 hours, have you:
[Cried?]: no
[Bought something?]: hell yeah!! its the great singapore sale!!! =) hehe of COURSE i bought stuff!
[Gotten sick]: i'm not too sure...
[Sang?]: yes! hehe build me up buttercup ;)
[Eaten?]: um yeah?
[Been kissed?]: nopenope how about one right now?
[Felt stupid?]: uhm... hopefully not. i dont remember any how =)
[Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't?]: hmm.
[Met someone new?]: *thinks* well, yeah this lady at the boutique
[Moved on?]: to where?
[Talked to an ex?]: nope
[Missed an ex?]: nope
[Talked to someone you have a crush on?]: nope
[Had a serious talk?]: nope man i need more of those.
[Hugged someone?]: no
[Fought with your parents?]: no
[Dreamed about someone you can't be with?]: no

Social Life:
[Boyfriend/Girlfriend?]: =(
[What type automobile do you drive?]: zilch i'm too young!
[What type automobile do you wish you drove?]: bmw silver convertible!
[Would you rather be with friends or on a date?]: hmm can i go for both?
[Where is the best hangout?]: changi airport. seriously! its lounging heaven!
[Do you have a job?]: well, yeah!!!! gosh wow i can answer this qn! =) hahaha.
[Do you like being around people?]: sometimes. it depends WHO i'm around tho.

[Who is your role model?]: mom and dad i think.
[Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with?]: yeah
[Have you ever cried over the opposite sex?]: yes
[Do you have a "type" of person you always go after?]: i'm just starting to see a bit of pattern but right now its still a no hehe
[Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you?]: no
[Rather be dumper or dumped?]: neither.. but if i HAD to choose.. i'd wanna be the dumper =)
[Rather have a relationship or a "hookup"?]: relationship
[Want someone you don't have right now?]: what? Sorta.. I guess
[Ever liked your best guy/girl friend?]: hmm.
[Do you want to get married?]: yes
[Do you want kids?]: yes
[Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time?]: I dont know
[What is your favorite part of your physical appearance?]: legs
[What is your favorite part of your emotional being?]: huh??
[Are you happy with you?]: sometimes i guess =)
[Are you happy with your life?]: yes, I am thankful for everyone who makes me smile or are just there for me, they make life complete..
[If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be?]: to continue with gymnastics. oh what the hell.. i'll just go sleep. too tired. =)


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