Monday, December 01, 2003


while flipping through the RECRUIT section of the paper, i felt for the first time what it must feel to be unemployed and desperately looking for a job. i say desperately because while i currently face no monetary problems (though i could do with a 'raise') 3 weeks of absolute boredom is turning my brain into muck. stayng home all day just kills me. i know i have SATS to deal with but i also need something ELSE to do other than follow the footsteps of the 'spinelli scholar' -> vile guy if you ask me.

well, (im getting to the point, thanks) saw a tiny piece of ad looking for a talent scout. oh, so THAT"S how they find people to scour the city area for model-material. well it does not do my confidence any good to know that talent scouts are just PICKED OFF THE RECRUIT SECTION? yikes. some quality control.

moving on. spinelli scholar indeed. yesterday's paper did a 4 page coverage on the 'triangle region' of town. boy did they interview an entire range of people. all from international schools, with filthy rich parents. well excuse me. they dont seem like the 'regular' crowd if you ask me.

okay okay im done with whatever i have to say.. night peeps!


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