Thursday, November 03, 2005


wunderbar, sehr wunderbar.

first day of combination and we had to endure one fucking hour of assembly. i cannot imagine having to do this everyday. is there really a pressing need to incessantly repeat your announcements in triplicate again and agAIN and AGAIN?!!!!! we fucking heard it the first time, and if we didnt, we wouldnt hear it at the third time either!

when we took the english and chinese exams we were TOLD that we had a CHOICE as to which way we wanted our holidays. either pass all three and get a whole year of holidays, or have all holidays for each required subject to be calculated individually. and im pretty damn sure it was the former that we voted for. so what's this now? MAXIMUM of 7 holidays for full marks for the english test? you fucking lied to us you goddamn bastards.

so now on friday nights we have to endure TWO GODDAMN ASSEMBLIES, each lasting for half an hour, no doubt. 7pm and 9pm. its as if we dont already have enough assemblies to last us multiple lifetimes during the 5 day week already. and HURRAY we get to leave school on SATURDAY morning at SIX FUCKING AM!!!!! oh geez, im so excited i am beside myself, a vessel overflowing with boundless joy!!!!! AS IF WE DONT ALREADY HAVE ENOUGH SLEEP DEPRIVATION DURING THE WEEK, HAVING TO WAKE UP AT 530AM TO STAND OUTSIDE IN THE BLISTERING COLD WINTER WIND, CLAD ONLY IN LOUSY POTATO SACK UNIFORMS, DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL BUT WAITING AND PRETENDING THAT WE HAVE ALOT OF THINGS TO DO JUST SO EVERYONE'S ASSEMBLY CAN END ON TIME.

yeah lets be fair, why dont we? its unfair to waste one person's time so yeah let's waste EVERYONE's time! now the students down south cant go home during the weekends thanks to YOUR KIND KIND BENEVOLENCE. your largesse touches me and your concern for student welfare brings tears to my eyes. yeah, im so sure their parents want to see their kids "succeed" so much that they would love seeing their kids being grounded at school for the weekend, fortifying themselves with endless enriching activities, including the very informative ONE HOUR LONG ASSEMBLY PERIODS, at 2 hour intervals no less.

look mate, im not a military personnel to be nor a military recruit. i dont take your stinking ass money and im paying for an EDUCATION here, not for hours of time wasting , following brainless rules and anal commands for no good reason but just so that it looks good on YOUR cocksucking report to the higher commanding officers. nothing that you instill and teach here in your fucking school has ANY benefit to us normal denizens. you teach us to be losers in the society goddamnit. stop ruining our youth, you asskissing, weight-throwing, lard-covered less life form!!!

oh joy, joy. wunderbar wunderbar indeed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

god chewy... you alright? what the fuck have they been doing to you guys? shit i would so love to fed-ex you back home and simultaneously bulldoze the school. bloody bastards. urgh i'll try to get as much in your 'care pack' as possible ok? don't let them get you down

8:28 PM  

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