Sunday, October 15, 2006

a chronic sleep-o-phile.

everytime i sit square at my spacious desk and begin attacking the pages of my (very boring) organic chemistry text, i am tickled by the dark, dank odor of sleep. it is very tempting... the musky scent giving my brain comforting little massages. come to me, it whispers, forget chemistry! come forth to my warm embrace and i will remove you of all the tiredness of the day. all that said in a low, sexy drawl.

i mean, how CAN one resist that? so all too often (and willingly, i add) i follow sleep's beckoning arms and plonk myself happily onto my bed. not such a fuzzy, soft embrace but a welcome one at any rate. and then i relax myself and let sleep take me into the world of marshmallow, fluffy cotton candy dreams.


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