Saturday, June 21, 2008

because i am lazy

im just going to copy over what i wrote on the OTHER blog to this one... hehe

wahhh lets see wut ive been doing for the past few weeks. well there was the hell week of fanatic last-minute studying which didnt result in anything much - i actually did surprisingly bad for my finals heh but thankfully a decent midterms plus other students' academic malfunctions more than made up for it. SO.. ive successfully made it through another term at med school without flunking a single subject! hehe yay!

then after a night of frantic sewing of the cadaver, we were packed off to this combined logistics school for... i seriously dont know why, except maybe to adjust our lifestyles to very healthy ones. we had lecture after useless lecture (save the ones on emergency CPR and stretcher carrying - altho its actually the medic's job), and meal after salty meal. hah. the food is actually better than that in school can you believe?

the funny thing is, almost everyone's down with constipation while we're in camp from mon - fri. and when we're on the bus back to sch for the wkend, even before entering the school gates, half the people wanted to poop already haha. talk about toilet recognition! i dont know why that is though, perhaps its the food.. or just that nauseous ARMY scent that tightens our rectal muscles so.

eh ive been spending the past wkends alternating between crazy shopping to vent all that pent-up retail energy ive garnered throughout the term (i actually went and bought 6 pairs of shoes in one day; they were going for NT300 for 2 pairs - so cheap!) and preparing for this 30hr famine thing that im really dreading.

tomorrow's going to be another busy day - got to run through the games section of the 30hr famine - im in charge and i feel that i know nothing!! hehe.. im not the leader type lah. i can be a very responsible, hardworking peon, but i make for a really bad leader! oh well fingers crossed.

hopefully i'll get to packing my luggage for my trip back to sg (yay!) i figure i actually dont have much time for that cuz the 30hr famine's next week and the week after that i'll be on my happy way home!


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