Thursday, June 09, 2016


After almost two years in the discipline of obstetrics, I had the opportunity to be the operator for a cesarean section - 30+3 weeks GA, with IUGR, impending AEDV, and frank breech, too! Big thanks to the very brave consultant whom I made very nervous and frustrated in due process, so much so she had beads of sweat forming on her forehead and she had to have a wipe mid-way through on the shoulder of a scrub nurse. That was June 3rd. And then again on June 6th. Multipara, compound breech, with 2 previous cesareans. This time i didn't soak through my scrubs, and my consultant didnt have to wipe her forehead. So... I take that as an improvement? It must be said though, that there's nothing like being an operator to improve one's surgical skills. Never learned so fast in my life, despite having watched and assisted in tons of cesarean sections before. Dont get me wrong though... I still am pee-in-my-pants terrified to be the operator and have all sorts of disaster scenarios running through my head, with me frozen in fear, mouth agape, while I fail to extract the baby / the patient bleeds out. So. I guess I'm definitely not a natural in that aspect. But I hope to improve with every chance I get! ________________________________ Was looking at Chris' pics lately... and my my has he grown! He's almost at the end of infancy now, and charging towards toddler-hood at top-speed crawl. Sometimes I feel a little guilty, for not being in his life as much as I can. What a conundrum... I want to do well at work and family, but the nature of my work is such that I have to devote time and energy AFTER work too. =/ I'm glad to report that he is an adorable little ball of energy, with the most captivating smile. Ha! We are all charmed by this little boy.


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