Thursday, September 04, 2003

taking a break from chemistry - mechanism kills me. i heard from sharon that one of her friends was fined for downloading songs from Kazaa at $300 per song. lets see now, if her friend had 100 songs, does that mean that she'll have to pay $30,000? that's quite ridiculous. thank goodness i dont use kazaa. i always buy original cds. haha arent i so nice??? you all should do the same too. support original!!

welps, ive been really busy recently with the Community Involvement Program minutes, Project Work nonsense and Orchestra Fund-raising crap. well, okay they arent nonsense and crap, but they're getting there. fuck it. im so busy nowadays i dont have time to STUDY. which doesnt make sense, cuz ALOT of people actually HAVE the time to study because oh THEY dont have to do ANYTHING when im doing EVERYTHING do they? \ / major freeloaders.

there are lotsa those around these days, and believe me, they're everywhere. they rip off stuff you've so painstakenly done, make you do stuff so they'd get all the benefits. its ridiculous. ROAWR.

you know, its amazing how one's perceptions of a single person can change so much in so short a time. a few people whom i thought was nice, good looking and very friendly simple dont seem that way anymore. not that im sad or anything but it just makes me feel so... deluded! now i think of the way i felt about them as simply unbelievable and disgusting. ewww. *gag*

okay i gotta go back to chemistry! btw -> hmm. math has improved CONSIDERABLY. not toooo bad for a week's work i guess.


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