Wednesday, April 20, 2005

more on sockets

B: how many sockets do you need to count to get into SMU?
me: ?
B: none. just count calories

[edit]--- private joke --- laugh only if your name begins with B.

me: damnit. you want to have your sockets socked!
B: hmm, too dangerous, might slip down the bath tub drainage
me: hehe. you are, as it is, too full of yourself for that to happen.

[edit]--- private joke --- laugh only if you name begins with B, or if you are one of the two profs on duty that day... or both.

big bushy: hmm i wonder how many thin people can i fit in a bathtub
sikh: infinite! they all go down the drainage pipe!

[edit]--- not so private joke --- laugh only when you are in an especially vulnerable situation.


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