Since we're on the topic...
religion. one of the greatest sources of conflict in the modern world. its very existence draws a boundary, separating the world into two major factions - believers and non-believers. more often than not, believers of a religion will categorize fellow believers as US, and others as THEM.
this is a very scary phenomenon, because once people are grouped into the THEM faction, they are seen as the enemy - someone who opposes, and thus threatens the existence of the US faction. experiments have proven that once people are grouped into the THEM faction, they are automatically dehumanized, allowing for monstrosities to be carried out upon them with unbelievable ease. the horrors dealt to the jews and the recent terrorist attacks serve as ample examples of that fact.
as it is with things that are close to our hearts, the more important something is to us, the more protective we are over it. this is particularly true for religion. in fact, for many, religion IS part of life itself, forming a belief system in which the person functions. to attack that person's religion would be akin to attacking the peron's world, his very essense of being.
the result? utter retaliation of course. the threatened believer takes and often fierce and quick retaliaion, for within him raw, basic emotions are awakened. thoughts that run through the mind are no longer processed by the more recently frontal lobes of the brain, otherwise known as the "organ of civilisation". rather, much like how a reflex action works, reactions stem right from the amygdala, the most ancient part of the human brain, in evolutionary terms. the fight / flight response kicks in and all hell breaks lose.
it is only with the removal of the US vs THEM psychology that true peace can reign. when each and every human being is respected as an individual, regardless of religious belief (and race!). until then.. JOSEPH ILETO.
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