Tuesday, June 28, 2005

the truth is out there 0>

there, approximately 3 days away.


what if what if.

coach will be going back to china. not coming back in the near future, i suppose. =( im sad, of course. but im also, in a way happy for her. she'll be much healthier there, where days arent as tightly packed, where lodging and food are paid for, where parents are grateful for her coaching and show their appreciation by means of gifts of seafood and HUGE peaches -drools- unlike here where parents feel they are boss and reprimand her if their kid scrapes their knees. sheesh. if you dont want injuries, go join the active sport of play doh kneading!! and where the kids actually have a shot at making the olympics =b

that said, im sure Spike will miss you tons =I

life's funny this way. when you receive, you lose some in return.

ditto for me. but you know, you cant help but hope you're the exception.


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