Sunday, October 09, 2005

subway.. almost

i had my first subway meal today... and it was SUCH a disappointment. i mean, the bread and the onions were the same, but the salami!!!!! its NOTHING like the singapore one i tell you. the pickles werent sour enough, the tomatoes and cucumbers were way too sweet (haha! quality of fruits / veges too high in taiwan..) >< one up for singapore subway! mmm... one lovely thing i discovered was that the point stickers are EXACTLY the same as the singapore ones =)

oh yeah, i went on a shopping rampage yesterday, and today... and final round's tomorrow. i mean, im not going to give up on end of season sales!!!! stuff are wayyyyyy cheap and since its summer clothes i can wear it back in sg. =D i bought tons and also spent.. tons. -sheepish- well its not all that much considering i did get alot of stuff. and tian mu was BRILLIANT. i only managed half the stretch this time round... and the clothes there arent jappish at all. man... i keep seeing NT 100 and NT 199 signs all over... hehe -drools- and its not night market crappy quality mind you, they are designer wear!!

haha oh on a really bright note, i bought salt and vinegar lays for NT 89. its still way more than the ones back in sg but hey... at least its better than the NT120 i almost dished out the other day. huzzah!

aigght, better start on my biology revision and homework. sigh.. looks like im not going to be able to play WoW tonight...


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