Monday, November 07, 2005

boys and girls, its survey time!

ah. -contented sigh- its been a long time since i did one of those. now, let me just exercise those stiff fingers and i'll be on my way filling THIS baby out =) cheerios!

Love Survey

Tall or short? Taller
Fat or skinny? Somewhere in between. As they say in chinese class. "zhong1 yong1" is the most important.
Funny or serious? heh a funny person who knows to be serious when it is time.
Smart or dumb? Smart :P
What color eyes? red. like in blade. haha just kidding. im not particular about that, having dark brown eyes myself.
What color/style of hair? as long as it isnt oily and overly dirty, im cool.
Does race matter? nah. prefer someone with similar cultural background / upbringing though. makes some things easier hehe =)
Facial hair? doesnt matter as long as it doesnt come to represent 1)a rambutan 2)a durian 3) hitler 4) a billy goat.
Piercings/tattoos? not important but if he has it then its gotta be tasteful. none of those elaborate dragon thingums!
What clothing style? ehh. presentable. =) and comfy! again, it depends on the situation.
Favorite kind of music? i like variety! the more varied the better.
Would it bother you if they smoked/drank/did drugs? smoking is a turnoff while drinking (not too much) is fine. drugs, nuh uh.
Would you expect them to buy you things? nope. its company i want, not a walking wallet!
How old or young would they have to be? not tooooo young lol :P i guess it has more to do with maturity than age, really. hehe.

Do you like to have a relationship or casually date? casual dating THEN a relationship when im sure
Do you still have feelings for any of your exes? nopenope. we're all friends now, so is all cool.
Is there anyone you regret going out with? nope. its all part of growing up aye?
What do you want out of a relationship? Love and happiness! haha so childish. but yeah i think the best relationship is when two ppl enjoy each others' company so much that they can stick together 24/7 and not get bored. not that it would happen of course cuz everyone needs time to themselves for doing their own stuff. =)
How do you feel about PDA? no problems about it. hehe =) just a bit of eyesore for the older folks, hey!
Do you like to be friends before you go out with someone? yeah i reckon!
What is the sweetest thing a girlfriend/boyfriend has ever done for you? threw me a surprise birthday party and invited all my best friends to it... which i turned up for in rubbish clothes cuz i thought it was gonna be a spagetti dinner at home LOL.
Do you like to let everyone know about your girlfriend/boyfriend, or keep it quiet? well if pple ask id say. lol its not nice to voluntarily give information all over the place.
Would you make the first move? haha ive done it before yeah.
Have you ever rejected someone? yeah
How do you feel when someone likes you that you don't like back? It's a nice feeling that somebody would like me like that, and yeah we just remain friends =)
Have you ever been rejected? Yeeeahhhhhh.
Do you like to be the dumper or the dumpee? hm well dumpee. haha id hate to be the one to break up.
How do you get over breakups? i guess i just divert my attention to something else.

w many people have you kissed? haha mmm less than five i think.
Do you regret kissing someone? nopies
Do you like tongue or no tongue? hehe tongue is not bad :P
Where is your favorite place to be kissed? back of ears! sends shivers down my back.
Where is your favorite place to be touched? mmm well touch is pretty good anywhere :P
Which is better: hugs or kisses? both! but im more partial to hugging though.
Do you like to cuddle? cuddling is good stuff! i quite like physical closeness =)
Have you ever gotten a hickey? yeah but it was on purpose. like "i wonder how i can get a hickey -suck-"
Have you ever made out with someone who was just a friend? nono
Where is the strangest place you've made out with someone? there's this really crazy one in my dreams in grade sch >< ugh. made me all embarrassed seeing this guy in school after.
Have you ever kissed in the rain? no
If not, do you want to? haha yeah sounds like fun!
Have you ever kissed under the stars? doesnt practically anything outdoors at night count as that?
If not, do you want to?
Have you ever made out in the backseat of a car? nope!
If not, do you want to? haha i cant imagine :P
Who is the one person that you want to kiss the most? angelina jolie! wahahahah. come ON you know everyone wants to kiss her lucious lips.. even girls!
Have you ever slept with a member of the opposite sex without actually having sex? uhm my brother? hehe
Is sex the most important thing to you? nope.
Would/Have you had sex with someone you aren't in love with? No, never.
Would/Have you had sex with someone who was just a friend? hmm have yet to be in a situation to want that so yeah =)

Do you love someone now? oh yeah, no doubt =)
Have you ever been in love? haha yeah...
What is love? is when you are perfectly comfortable with another person and feel safe enough to be yourself totally =)
If you aren't currently in love, who could you see yourself falling in love with?
Do you believe in love at first sight? lust at first sight, you mean? =)but i guess it does happen to some ppl!
Have you ever had your heart broken? By who? ah. yeah :P
Is love enough? enough for what? a ham and cheese sandwich? =)
Do you know who you're going to marry? i wish i wish!
Do you know who your soulmate is? oh yuppers.
Is there one person for everyone? definitely. some pple would argue that there are more than one person for everyone.
Is anyone in love with you? I HOPE SO!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
When you see the person that you love, does your heart pound and your hands shake? haha hmm nah but i do feel like running over and giving that person a huge huge HUGGGE hug! you see im a huggy sorta person. -grins-
Would you choose them over anything else? haha if he loves me back! =) im an idealistic romantic who is sometimes (not often) practical LOL odd.

The last...
time you kissed someone? wahhh. August 18th.
time you hugged someone? dunno. someone from the dorm last week =)
person who broke your heart? heh no names cuz its long in the past =)
person you had a crush on? hahah Mr E back in highschool LOL. think you girls know, right?
person to ask you out? actually i dont really get the "asking you out" thing. does it mean asking for you to be his gf?
person you rejected? haha again, no names.
time you fantasized about someone? today :P
time you talked to someone special? last night!
person you touched? my cousin? =)


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