Monday, January 20, 2003

so here i am, typing yet another entry on a eventless monday morning.

oh wait, there is an event.... i'm sick! and i don't have to go to school!

you cannot imagine my joy.

coincidentally, monday is also the day of the Reign of the Malay Teacher and his Super Mother (read: PE day). I can just imagine my class panting away, running their godforsaken 3.6km the first thing in the morning. Sure, they are going to get iron thighs and rock-hard abs from today's workout, while i am rolling around till the cows come home, but i don't care. Home is where the body should be. (not to mention the cows)

I am elated to be able to spend a day at home PEACEFULLY, without the mindless disturbances of my brother (who, fortunately, is at school, probably engaged in another death scratch match) and the sight of capricious playboys in school who have a penchant for laughing with vulgar undertones. Really, there is an entire community of them in school. Playboys i mean. They should form a sorority and make a living by collecting membership fees.

Hoo boy. I have 147 hours and 43 minutes left on my internet Time-Bank. Broad band access will not eventuate until the 28th of this month. In the meantime, i am faced with the daunting task of using all of my spare Time.

Now.... let's see. What songs should i download? Suggestions, anyone?


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