Yanked by the hair and still kicking
The seventh year itch
Thursday, May 22, 2003

You are a natural orange, dripping with the juice
of life. drip... drip... drip...
Are You A Clockwork Orange?
brought to you by Quizilla
a great source of vitamin C!

Nope, you don't have a drop of english blood in your body. In fact, you're probably American ;) Y'know that little island next to France? Y'know...Europe? No? Ohwell. We love you really - have a cucumber sandwich!
How British are you?
this quiz was made by alanna
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
its an interesting word, freedom.
masses have died for it, and many would eagerly kill.
we keep ourselves busy escaping from the thraldom and constraints of today's wire cage, galloping at fullspeed towards greener, boundless pastures, brandishing knives and thrusting them at anyone or anything standing in our way...
only to settle once again in another similar cage, a few hundred kilometers down and a few innocent lives later, in a perfectly identical steel cage. only this time, you have a different scenery - a few chirping birds thrown in, maybe. and the funny thing is that we'll enjoy it, oh, say, for the next couple of years or so.
and then, eventually the time will come when we wake up one day and look out between the bars... and go, 'i want freedom!'
time for another cage, guys.
but all things aside, why are the people of Iraq free, when they did not have the liberty to choose whether or not they wanted to be free? perhaps they already were free...
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
he lay strangely still on the floor, head twisted to a grotesque angle.
his eyes were staring, staring but unseeing.
the tiny head blasted open by stray rounds was like a shattered porcelain vase.
hair, scalp, brains. torn and tattered. a raggedy ann doll ripped apart.
the silky maroon cloth he last rested on was curiously fitting. red, dark and flowing.
all blood and no cloth. all cloth and no blood.
the clothes were dusty and faded, and the same grey dust embalmed his youthful features.
yet, within all the chaos there was peace. admist the noise, there was silence. among the frantic running, there was stillness.
and within death's embrace was a boy with a pristine face.
Monday, May 19, 2003

You are a perfectionist, though other people might
see you as bossy and stuck up. ou like
everything to be where it should be, and every
person to do what they should do. You don't
like breaking rules. You're definatly not a
risk taker.
What's Your Sign?
brought to you by Quizilla
and why should i believe someone who cannot even spell 'definitely' right? =) but really.. keep off the grass.. its good for them.
its english class in school and i've done all the homework! so i'm allowed to take things free and easy... and do wutever i like! superb. i should probably be studying for the biology test tomorrow, but DNA translation and transcription studies aren't exactly the most enticing chapters.
meanwhile, i'll just blog-surf and check out that rooster site in detail...
Sunday, May 18, 2003

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Friday, May 16, 2003

You're a Tormented Soul. You have problems in life.
They may even be from school or from your
household. Just hang in there :)
What Kind Of Soul Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

What 2003 Best Picture Nominee Are You?
By Madeline Elster
oh yeah!!! i was hoping for chicago!! =)

Sloth -- All you ever think about is comfort, don't
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are in harmony with nature. You love the earth
and language, and feel compelled to help other
understand your feelings.
What kind of Legolas are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
nice horse!
[ Current Clothes ] white anderson junior college 2003 orientation shirt, white shorts
[ Current Mood ] sleepy. but is that a mood?
[ Current Music ] Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps (Doris Day)
[ Current Taste ] ribena =) heh. i grew up on that!
[ Current Make-up ] none. its au naturel
[ Current Hair ] wet and down.
[ Current Annoyance ] stifling humidity!
[ Current Smell ] Poison by Elizabeth Arden
[ Current Favorite Artist ] Salvadore Dali
[ Current Desktop Picture ] Holmes
[ Current Favorite Group(s) ] None. Opps.
[ Current Book you're reading ] 'Tis by Frank McCourt (sequel to Angela's Ashes)
[ Current CD in CD Player] Meteor Garden CD number 19 - my most favorite homework pal.
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] Some silvery shade
[ Current Refreshment(it's called draaaank) ]water
[ Current Worry ] biology test on tuesday!
[ You Touched ] my brother
[ You Talked to ] brother
[ You Hugged ] mom! =)
[ You Instant messaged ] Tina
[ You Yelled At ] brother
[ You Kissed ] robbie
[ Food ] steak!
[ Drink ] pearl tea
[ Color ] black
[ Album ] Stripped by Christina Aguilera
[ Shoes ] my boots!!!
[ Candy ] none at the moment =) hehe but not for long
[ Animal ] horses
[ TV Show ] FRIENDS, The Simpsons, Dharma and Greg (can you tell that i'm a sitcome person?)
[ Movie ] uhm. i dunno =) *shrugs* gosh this kind of questions are the hardest!
[ Dance ] Latin! its the most sensual ;)
[ Song ] Beautiful
[ Vegetable ] French Beans
[ Fruit ] Honey Dew / Any Berry
[ Cartoon ] ooh.. the Smurfs The Simpsons... those old Disney ones.. ahhh
01. What color are your walls? 1/2 pink and 1/2 white =)
02. What color is your bedspread/sheets? multicolor, but mostly blue
03. What color is your rug? orange and white.. and red
04. Any posters/bulletin boards/designs in your room? hot sauce!!!! and this one of a gymnast doing a flip
05. Do you have a TV? Is it big? no tv.. but i think the comp works pretty well =)
06. Do you have a phone? no. its been replaced by broadband.
07. Do you have your own computer? yump. and i would die without it.
08. Do you have a desk? of course! where else would i put my computer?
09. What are your most treasured belongings in your room? woah. that's a hell of stuff you're talking about
10. What are your most favorite things in your room? my blankie!!!
11. Do you have any fancy lights in your room? fancy? not fancy. well, one if you count the fan/light thingummy on the ceiling.
01. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? i turn off the alarm clock and check my phone for messages.
02. Anything unusual? i like to compare the time shown on my alarm clock and the wall clock. they are always different.
03. Do you pick out your clothes the night before school? nooo.. i expect them to be there hehe.
04. Do you try your best to look cute for school? cute no... neat yes. so sue me!
// SCHOOL //
01. What color is your backpack? blue or dirty green, depending on which.
02. Do you try your best when it comes to school work? *guilty* well, only sometimes
03. Do you listen or doodle? listen and note down stuff... i doodle too, but only sometimes.
04. BE QUIET - we all know you doodle, but what do you doodle? smileys - with different extensions. i drew this one that looked like an m&m gone wrong..
05. Do you eat your cafeteria food, or go out? both, depending on the length of the queues.
06. What do you do right when schools over? shower! hehe =)
// HOME //
>b>When you come home are you. . .
01. Miserable? hardly. cuz home = snooze
02. Happy? considerably
03. Tired? yeahhhhhhhhhh.
04. LEAVE ME ALONE? they usually do =)
// OTHER //
01. Do you take walks around your neighborhood sometimes? yeah, but its been a long time since i last did that.
02. What are some hobbies of yours? stamp collecting, and doing online quizzes, among many others
03. Do you collect anything? yup -> stamps and letter pads and badges...
04. What do you do in your spare time? sleep. its heavenly - you should, too!
05. Are you in love, or at least falling? hopefully
01. What do you do before you go to bed? i read... =)
02. Do you kiss your parents/guardians goodnight, or just say "goodnight"? i say... good night night
03. What way do you sleep (ex: on your side, tummy, etc.)? back! i'm an ordinary sleeper
04. Do you like your life? YEAH.

you are the "you suck, and that's sad"
happy bunny. your truthful, but can be a bit
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I am the Siren A man is often secretly oppressed by the role he has to play - by always having to be responsible, in control, and rational. The Siren is the ultimate male fantasy figure because she offers a total release form the limitations of his life. In her presence, which is always heightened and sexually charged, the male feels transported to a realm of pure pleasure. In a world where women are often too timid to project such an image, learn to take control of the male libido by embodying his fantasy. Symbol: Water. The song of the Siren is liquid and enticing, and the Siren herself is fluid and ungraspable. Like the sea, the Siren lures you with the promise of infinite adventure and pleasure. Forgetting past and future, men follow her far out to sea, where they drown. |
What Type of Seducer are You?
created by

erm. wow.
Sunday, May 11, 2003
Wednesday, May 07, 2003
they chopped off the lovely tree by the tennis court!
and i was there, watching its fingers, and arms being lopped off, one by one, until only the trunk was left.
then they hacked it at its waist. and it fell.
i am gutted. =(
Saturday, May 03, 2003

Well, u-- um, can we come up and have a look?
What Monty Python Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla