Sunday, June 30, 2002


MY VERY OWN CELL PHONE, MOBILE, HANDPHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hehehe ask me for the number aighty? =) still trying to figure things out tho oops

you know, i am utterly convinced that Ilan Mansiz is gay. however, that doesn't really matter =) hehe

moving on, i think that you can always, and it is ALWAYS that you can spot posers by the way they blog. the way some people post their entries... i don't know... what do you think?


7 things i'm afraid of:

going bankrupt

people around me dying

having to study university in singapore (ugh NO!! please no!)

being ostracized

being blind

getting fat hehe i'm sorry but its true

CATERPILLARS!!!! ( and generally all the things on scary movies)

7 things that make me laugh:

jokes, both good and bad

chinese orchestra 2002 committee members heheh they are a riot!

FRIENDS and other sitcoms

robbie hehe ;)

weird sounds

bill bryson's books

myself wuahahahaha

7 things that make me cry:

certain nostalgic songs

being too angry. i always do that. =/

missing someone

the thought of pple around me dying


movies and books hehe =)


7 things I love:


my friends

the internet




myself... don't hold me on that tho =)

7 things I don't understand:





my brother


some people

7 things on my desk:



sound blaster

optic scrollie mouse

friendship book

cd rack

a glass jar of paper stars

7 facts about me:

i'm female

currently 16


plays 3 instruments

likes spanish

am forgetful

emotional, tho i try not to be hehe =)

Saturday, June 29, 2002

Purple Shimmer

I'm the purple shimmer Doc Marten...
I'm a little spunky, definitely fun,
and I like believing in fantasy

Which Doc Marten are you?
(by *coffeebean*)

Strawberry: 0/100 Pear: 40/100 Banana: 60/100 Tomato: 0/100 Lemon: 30/100

Take the What Fruit Are You? test by Ellen and Aaron!

Which Hogwarts Student Are You?

you kno, i think the spoons of the world have organized a strike on me...

for THREE DAYS in a row i've broken plastic spoons that came with my lunch packet.. during lunch!!! oh man... i would be eating and suddenly it goes *crack*

uh oh.


one hundred useless things about me! *_*

1. Are you an innie or an outtie? -> hmm??? hmm more of an outtie, but i guess there is a fair share of both in me
2. Have you ever worn bell-bottoms? oh yeah my jeans are all bell-botts. gotta get new ones tho =/
3. Have you ever written a song? nah.... hehehe
4. Can you make change for a dollar right now? *turns pockets inside out* erm.. no.
5. Have you ever been in the opposite sex's bathroom? oh yeah... either accidentally or... wuahaha in my school where they lock all the other toilet doors ;) you gotta go when you gotta go!
6. Have you ever smelled your own feet? Sadly yes :'( wuahahahah
7. Do you like ketchup on or beside your French fries? on the side
8. Can you touch your tongue to your nose? No, but oh how I've tried!
9. Have you ever been a boy/girl scout? nopey dopey hehee =) love the cookies tho !
10. Have you ever broken a mirror? hmmmm ... NO!! =) yay!
11. Have you ever put your tongue on a frozen pole? nah, it never gets even NEAR 0 degrees over here!
12. What is your biggest pet peeve? smiling like a moron too much even when i don't feel like it?
13. Do you slurp your drink after its gone? when i have a straw yes
14. Have you ever blown bubbles in your milk? hehe the bubbles are there in the first place... frothy fresh milk =) sadly i get queasy after drinking it. ugh.
15. Would you rather eat a Big Mac or a Whopper? WHOPPER WHOPPER!!! gimme!
16. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping? no ... it's illegal in singapore.. can you believe?? actually i can hehe believe that is!
17. When you are at the grocery store, do you ask for paper or plastic? plastic. paper bags always die on me.
18. True or False: You would rather eat steak than pizza. TRUE. but it dependssssss
19. Did you have a baby blanket? If so, what did you call it? YEs!! heheh BLANKIE!!! i'm like that peanuts character.. wut's his name?
20. Have you ever tried to cut your own hair? oh yeah, and regretted it lots
21. Have you ever sleepwalked? nope.. i wouldn't kno would i?
22. Have you ever had a birthday party at McDonalds? no... *bawls* now i feel deprived!
23. Can you flip your eye-lids up? ouch no.
24. Are you double jointed? no..... oh dear i'm turning out to be very normal heheheheh NOT!
25. If you could be any age, what would you be? well, if it is with reference to the things that i did at that age .... 15 =) its the greatest!
26. Have you ever gotten gum stuck in your hair? noo!!!! *phew* i've got hair stuck in a piece of gum tho... hehhehe go figure!
27. Have you ever thrown-up after a roller coaster ride? nope!!!! wuahahahah
28. What is your dream car? silver BMW convertible... gosh i am all prepared for this question =) hehehhe
29. What is your favorite cartoon of all time? cartoon? the simpsons i just love the yellow pple! hehe hmm and the smurfs
30. Would you go swimming in shallow waters where, one year earlier, a shark had attacked a child? nope i'm too chicken hehe sorry!
31. How many cavities do you have? 2 i think.. all filled up tho =) wuahahah ain't that nice
32. Have you ever eaten a dog biscuit? eew no! heard that it tastes bitter tho!
33. If you were in a car sinking in a lake, which would you do first: unbuckle your seat belt or open your window? open the window and sink faster???? hell no!! wuahahah i'll unbuckle first and THEN try to escape!!
34. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? nope thank goodness... hehe
35. Can you pick something up with your toes? oh yeah i just picked up a paper star with my toes for Lydia a few mins ago!
36. How many remote controls do you have in your house? ummmm 8 to my knowledge... half of them malfunctioning tho heheh
37. Have you ever fallen asleep in school? oh yeah... those annoying nod nod, half awake sort hehehe
38. How many times have you flown in an airplane in the last year? last year??? wow.. *thinks* 4 times!!!!
39. How many foreign countries have you visited? taiwan (not really FOREIGN tho), the usa, hongkong, malaysia, tt's about it! OH YEAH and mexico!!! wow i forgot about it for so many years!
40. If you were out of shape, would you compete in a triathlon if you were somehow guaranteed to win a big, gaudy medal? GUARANTEED? hehehe why not?
41. Would you rather be rich and unhappy, or poor and happy? rich and happy??? hehehhe
42. If you fell into quicksand, would you try to swim or try to float? i didn't kno you can float in quicksand wuahahahah
43. At what age did you first try to drive a car? i'm still awaiting that day!
44. Do you ask for directions when you are lost? duh... or i'd STILL be lost!
45. Have you ever had a Mexican jumping bean? i've seen it in serena's house, jumping about =S scary!!
46. Are you more like Cinderella or Alice in Wonderland? umm umm i wawnna be cinderella hehehe at least she doesn't have to bother about being massacred by the queen of hearts all the time!
47. Would you rather have an ant farm with no ants or a box of crayons with broken points? huh?? wht kind of qn is that?? i'd have the crayons heheh
48. Do you prefer light or dark bread? dark. tanned hehehe nah nah just kidding. plain dark will do.
49. Do you prefer scrambled or fried eggs? scrambled!!!!!!!! it's easier to cook anyways hehehe
50. Have you ever been in a car that ran out of gas? OH YEAH! heeheh it was pretty funny
51. Do you talk in your sleep? yes.. and woke up serena during the camp hehehe oopsies.
52. Would you rather snovel show or mow the lawn? shovel snow.. cuz i never did it before.. anyone willing to offer me that opportunity?
53. Would you rather be bitten by a poisonous snake or constricted by a python? bitten. you die faster.
54. Have you ever played in the rain? yeah, and then fall sick heheh all fun tho.
55. Which do you think is more dangerous: an angry bear or a hungry white shark? shark.... at least you are faster on land!
56. Would you climb a very high tree to save a kitten? very high?? not too high... otherwise I"D need saving
57. Can you tell the difference between a crocodile and an alligator? yeah, sth about the fourth tooth sticking out of the mouth or sth.
58. Do you drink pepsi or coke? coke... it has more zing hehe =)
59. Whats your favorite number? 2
60. If you were a car, would you be an SUV or a sports car? wut's an suv? utilitary vans??
61. Have you ever accidentally taken something from a hotel? accidentally??? hehe nono purposely.
62. Would you blow your nose at the dinner table? yeah... it's unfortunate.. but i just have to
63. Have you ever slipped in the bathtub? YES... ouch poor bum of mine
64. Do you use regular or deodorant soap? regular i think?? don't kno.
65. Have you ever locked yourself out of the house? oh yeah... i've lost count *doh* hehe
66. Would you rather make your living as a singing cowboy or as one of the Simpsons voices? can i yodel? heheeh
67. If you could invite any movie star to your home for dinner, who would it be? hmm... mel gibson =) wuahha but why would i want a movie star home for dinner when i could invite someone else whom i know????? ;)
68. Have you ever made a semi truck honk? aww no
69. Which would you rather live with: a huge nose or crossed eyes? huge nose wuahahha i would love to see properly!
70. Would you hang out with someone your best friend didnt like? mm i think yeah.
71. Would you hang out with someone your best friend liked, but you didnt like? no. heeh
72. Have you ever returned a gift? no.... whhy would i?
73. Would you give someone else a gift that had been given to you? nope... that isn't very nice.
74. If you could attend an Olympic Event, what would it be? ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS!!!!!!!!!!!! SEND ME THERE> NOW!!!!!!
75. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 4 i think?
76. If your grandmother gave you a gift that you already have, would you tell her? i wouldn't =)
77. Do you sing in the car? yes. now all i need is a car to sing in.
78. Would you rather jump into a dumpster or into a vat of honey? honey honey slurp slurp hehehe
79. What is your favorite breed of dog? old english sheep dog... or fox (or sth else, can't remember) terrier.. Cute cute!!!!!
80. Would you donate money to feed starving animals in the winter? yeah i would.
81. If you were a bicycle, would you be a stingray or a mountain bike? isn't a stingray a FISH?
82. What is your least favorite fruit? umm dunno! hehe can't think
83. What kind of fruit have you never had? squash heheh they are a nice funny yellow color
84. If you won a $5,000 shopping spree to any store, which store would you pick? a place which sells clothes, accessories, everything!!
85. What brand sports apparel do you wear the most? none i guess... i'm a cheapie
86. How many letters will/did I earn in my high school career? no letter system over here!
87. Among your friends, who could you arm wrestle and beat? bahahah AGNES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
88. If you had to choose, what branch of the military would you be in? intelligence?
89. Would you ever parachute out of a plane? life or death situations only!
90. What do you think is your best feature? lips? wuahaha i dunno... nails.
91. If I were to win a grammy, what kind of music would it be for? pop hehehe cheesy but most likely true
92. What is your favorite season? WINTER.... i'm a winter.
93. How many members do you have in your immediate family? 3, 4 including myself
94. Which of the five senses is most important to you? seeing =)
95. Would you be a more successful painter or singer? singer
96. Have you ever ridden a tortoise? have YOU?
97. How many years will/did you end up going to college? dunnooooo
98. Have you ever had surgery? nope.. hehe i'm all intact
99. Would you rather be a professional figure skater or professional football player? FIGURE SKATER!
100. What do you like to collect? stamps =) hehe and letters

ok i gotta get this out of my system.

why is it that whenever i get online some people will casually cast a glance over at their MSN userlist and go, 'ahh here's vicky, isn't she supposed to be studying?' that thought alone is just fine. completely fine by all means. HOWEVER they just totally had to add the next line, 'i should accuse her of not studying.'

then lucky me will have my screen flicker with a msg stating, 'hey, i thought you were supposed to be studying?' and a whole lot of freaking stuff in an annoyingly accusing manner.


i don't care if you do have my academic well-being in mind. DON"T speak to me in that condescending, entirely POMPOUS and stuffed up manner. you do NOT have the authority to comment on my actions, especially if your comments are of absolutely no help and meaning, other than to put me in this remarkably foul mood. I KNOW what i'm supposed to do and i don't need YOU telling me about it ok? YOU don't KNOW me the way you THINK you do, so QUIT making assumptions.

look i DO study, what is your problem? mind your own business! would you rather i tell you, 'GO AWAY I DON"T WANT To TALK TO YOU.' and anyways i never wanted to chat, YOU initiated it. and do keep in mind that although the last time i did say i had to study, it didn't mean that i was going to study 24/7. get that into your brain.

it is unfortunate that you are the 2nd consecutive person doing that, for you'll get all of my wrath, but its just too bad isnt it? tough luck.

and you kno what?? i am going to BLOCK you.

so go kiss your big toe and bug someone else.

oh yeah, before i shrink back into seclusion...

my school's chinese orchestra will be holding a public concert on Saturday, July 20th 2002, with the matinee performance at 4:30pm and the night performance at 7:30pm. Tickets will be charged at SG8 for the matinee and SG10 for the night performance. Please email me at for ticket orders if you are interested. Do come! =)

surely 200 - 300 odd hours of my lifespan spent on rehearsing for this concert would be worth your ten bucks?????


i concur with you kaier.

school has sapped all my miserable leftover morsel of creative energy, myself not being blessed with much of those alleles things anyways.

in fact, it has squeezed so much life out of me that i should stop typing rite now.

call me a hopeless sap, but the best section of today's turkey vs. korea match was what happened at the end of it.

the way the players had their arms around each other, walking down the field towards the cheering crowd in complete unison... is just brings out the whole sporting spirit of the World Cup, which by far trenscends the mere objective of winning. lovely.

i really like the way the turkish players brought out their children onto the field to share in the joy of receiving an international medal =) and plus, the children were CUTE!!! @_@

mm and i really like ilan mansiz and ahn jaen hwan =)

Thursday, June 27, 2002

yesterday's brazil vs turkey match was SO uneventful. i mean, it was so predictable =/ plus, nothing fantastic happened, with ronaldinho and rivaldo out of the match. *yawn*

neighbors were quite cooperative when i yelled out 'WHICH SIDE SCORED??' after they lost their minds and cheered their heads off =) hehehe they returned my yell with an unanimous, "BRAZILLLLLLLL!!!!!" wuahhahah oh yeah i love my neighbors! ;)

updates wouldn't be so frequent now...*do i hear a groan or a cheer?* cuz of all the schoolwork and the usual mumble-jumble hehe =)

Tuesday, June 25, 2002

Dank eines Treffers von Michael Ballack steht die deutsche Fussball-Nationalmannschaft zum siebten Mal im Endspiel eines FIFA-Weltpokals™. Ballacks Treffer in der 75. Minute sicherte der DFB-Elf den knappen aber hoch verdienten 1:0-Erfolg gegen die Auswahl Koreas.

oh yeahhh....

DEUTSCHLAND SIEGREICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAlfTiME! @_@ stared bug-eyed at the tv for like the whole duration of the game with the entire family. now i kno why my parents got married... they are all closet soccer fans!! (well, at least they enjoy the moment of the game!) and while the guys over in Korea are doing the official commentary, they were there yelling their own, in mandarin! =)

anyways, i was kinda disappointed that the Korean soccer player who was playing for the Italian team isn't playing rite now. aww. i think Germany will win... they've been on the offensive ever since! *_*

the referee looks absolutely exhausted *pant pant* i think he's the most worked out person on the entire field.

Ich habe nicht Idee, aber Ich glaube ja, dass Deutschland Fussball Mannschaft willst winnen. Viele Zielen Deutschland!! Fur immer, Deutschland!!!

Auf wiedersehen, Ich habe das TV sehe.

Monday, June 24, 2002

i just noticed that the ring tone of my home phone (no cell yet, bugger.) seriously sounds like it is part of the tv program. especially those american sitcoms. =)

i would be listening to the phone ring and wondering why ross / dharma / rory / ally aren't moving over to the phone. =/

so people, hold on to the receiver just a bit longer will ya?

and hopefully i will get to you =)

the first day of school is over!!! =) somehow going to school and actually putting things into action makes one not think about what's in store for me so much, and hence, less stress.. alot of homework tho. dang.

hey guess what? i mite just be able to miss school on Friday!! =O wuahahahahaha...

Sunday, June 23, 2002

::quotes of the day:: 3 sensationally brainless remarks =) enjoy.

= Brooke Shields =
"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life." **yes yes, very insightful**

= Mariah Carey =
"Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies and death and stuff." **excuse me????? have you misplaced your brain ms carey? hehe sorry couldn't resist**

= Miss Alabama (Miss Universe pageant) =
"I would not live for ever, because we should not live for ever, because if we were supposed to live for ever then we would live for ever, but we cannot live for ever, which is why I would not live for ever." **... i don't kno what to say **

i am unloved, uncared for and totally miserable.

actually i am just awfully nervous, and hecka pissed off, because my brother is being a totally hopeless being, and dad's very angry at him. i dont know what to do with that kid. he drives me nuts. so if one day i go bonkers you'll know who to go after.

absolutely frustrated with that freaking 455hole. =/ i'm sorry but he is one. he is the BANE of my life.


i feel totally blah rite now. tired (tho i just woke up) ... i kinda squashed my hand while sleeping... =/ feels like it's falling off now.

awful awful blah blah =(

i need company company company. =/ brother's deserted me.

i should really take an 'Are You Addicted to Online Quizzes' Quiz.

You are Fozzie!
Wokka Wokka! You love to make lame jokes. Your sense of humor might be a bit off, but you're a great friend and can always be counted on.

and i always thought it was FONZIE!!! =O

aww i'm hoping that it wouldn't be wrigley's!

What kind of drunk are you?


Find out what kind of driver you are!

Let's see if that will change when i finally do get my license... i have a sneaky feeling that i am no way like that! *vroom* hehe oh plus, i mistook the traffic lights for christmas trees =/

I am a fridge!

what kitchen utensil are YOU?

Morning, day, or night?
quiz by maikamariel

no sun... =)

Take the "What Western State Are You From?" Test!

gay... me?

Take the test!

href="">Take the "Which Microsoft Office program
are you? " test by Supersonic Squirrel

and visit her forest with loads of tests!

Which Empire Records character would YOU be? Hmmm?

This quiz made while Angel was procrastinating her ass off.

Red: 4/100 Blue: 12/100 White: 12/100 Yellow: 17/100

Take the Color Code Test
by Dano

Which flock do you follow?

this quiz was made by alanna

cute.. baaa....

Find out what "Britney" song you are at Affe's quizzes

uhhh i don't think so?

Which Earthbound character are you?

EXACTLY... read the 2nd line. oh man, right on the spot. *bingo*

I glow in the dark!

You soooo want to look as good as me.

Which bracelet are you?

Made by notsobeautiful

i totally enjoy doing these quizzes hehe i'm a quizzy sort of person.. plus its even better now that i have 90% of all the homework done ;) perfect. i can RELAX for a bit now hehe

Find your Realm of Influence at

heal... i said, heal! =) heheh

I'm exceptionally artistic!

Find your soul type

artist?? definitely not one that works with canvas!

See what drug you are.

mm didn't buy anything at the garage sale, cept for a beandung ;) wahahahahaha i bet 99% of you people are going 'what's a beandung?' hehehehe =D

OOHHHH just sneaked out for a look... yup the party's going on heheheh it's just that my apartment happens to be .. soundproof hehehe =) yupyup going down and buying stuff $$$$$$ BYEEEEe

completed my essay!!!!!!!!! cheer people cheer!!!

oh yeah, today is supposed to be Braddell View day, but it seems strangely quiet. there is usually alot of hoohah going on so, i wonder if everyone decided to boycott the celebrations or something.. i do intend to visit the garage sales tho. =/ so hopefully there ARE people down at the club house.

i just eradicated an entire colony of those felon-like black ants. they are SOOOO gross =/ unfortunately for them, i happened to be poking around the kitchen sink, wondering where their nest is... and voila! saw a few of them tiptoeing into their nest under this floorboard thing that was underneath the sink.

**PAUSE - i must comment on this point, that the person who did the sink, (he goes by the name David, so please dont get any contractors by that name) did an absolutely horrific job in the kitchen. that man can't even seal up holes!!! to do something so bad obviously requires alot of skill-less-ness and complete inability, of which that man is perfectly equipped with. My kitchen sink has HOLES, that lead from the cupboard TO the sink itself, and PLUS the boards that he used, were, essentially very ummm. airy boards... i think he makes motels for ants as a hobby. if you don't believe me, just come to my house and check out his very terrific workmanship for yourself, wonderfully charged at an extravagant rate. what's MORE you have to buy him lunch/dinner, AND bear his awful attitude. That man deserves to be shot. *murderous tendencies arising* **

Anyways, i poured like a liter of hot water down the nest. =S yeah i know that it is totally unhumanitarian of me to do so, but there's a WHOLE LOT OF THEM!!!!!!!!

dad said that i committed murder... and i massacred the poor souls. =/

MY GOODNESS!! Britney Spears once trained under Bela Karolyi!!!!! How shocking is THAT? Can you imagine, had Britney not gone for a singing career... she might just be training for the Olympics?? Ok so you are saying that Britney couldn't possibly be that good... oh well... you never know!

hotmail is really getting to me. everytime i visit my mail box, i get a solemn medical analysis that 'my account size is critical' *quick, someone get me the respirator* argh... i think i mite just have to store my mail elsewhere... and risk losing everything when the comp crashes. (no, the computer shouldn't and WOULDN"T crash)

ok enough. no more of those quizzes. i am done for the day. i hope ;)


I act like I'm 16.
This test was brought to you by BLX - Cheap laughs....

hmm i don't fare too well on these ... could it be... i really AM a dumbass??? =O

% where do you LIVE?

How dumb are you?

$1,805,896.00. -> THAT is how much i am worth ;) wuahaha buy me!

or, rather, Find out how much you are worth

I'm taro bubble tea!
Click here to take the test!

you kno wut? this is just so retarded... everything depends on the last qn =/ wuahaha oh dear i've spoilt it for you huh? well no matter =)

*ding ding*

Take the What Kind of Slacker are you? Quiz

awww... i thought i was the laziest bum on this side of the earth. =/

oohh.... duct tape.

be potato.

how nice. i am a potato =) wahahahaha.

Saturday, June 22, 2002

back to homework. i cannot believe i have 'Animal Farm' in the form of a VCD. =O

oh yes, and i adore burger king =)

not their fries tho, they taste like masquerading twigs.

so Senegal lost. while it is always sad to see the defeated team gather in a tight circle looking woe-begone, you can't help but feel happy for the euphoric team that won. alot of bouncing around and smooching i see. indeed excitement makes people do funny things =) *boing boing* did alot of jumping myself hehehe *boing*

what struck me as funny was that during the half-time break the english channel (on which the soccer match was showing) had so many advertisements asking .. wait.. BEGGING people to watch the mandarin channel during half-time =D heheh personally, i would want to have nothing to do with the mandarin channel... or the english channel for that matter. simply because the local programs (be it variety shows or dramas) are awfully brainless. and it's not only the fobbish language i am talking about here (that's ok, cuz it's part of the culture) but the content alone would be sufficiently brainless to cause a 40 point (or more, if you are more susceptible to changes in your environment) drop in the IQ. It seems as though they cannot go beyond 'slapstick comedy'.

here's an excerpt:

girl: i don't see what you guys see in football (soccer). It is merely a group of guys kicking a stupid ball around.
guy: no, it is a group of guys kicking a stupid ball around into a net.

hardly a contender in the 'America's Funniest Home Video'. call me a cynic but .. mmm i really have something against the quality of national TV. =/ It just isn't .. healthy to watch all those programs!

Comments anyone?

*brain about to explode from excessive literature analysis* dang (yes DANG is back ;) mental block and writer's block have both paid me a visit. and as far as my literature holiday assignment is concerned, they are still around, lounging in the faux-furs and sipping coffees. as a matter of fact, they are enjoying themselves, gambolling around laughing at my inability to write anything vaguely cohesive. =/


i really wish to just kick them out of the door and plaster a huge 'NO ENTRY' sign out there so they can go out there and disturb someone else.. anyone. maybe that kid playing the scales rite now... he is in the perfect situation for mental and writer's block, cuz they wouldn't affect him just yet. You kno, i really hate the scales. ugh. just thinking about it gives me a headache. i wonder if he feels the same way too hmm.

where was i? ah yes. the 2 blocks are just like old, long-lost, distant relatives... who come and pay you a visit and stick around until they miss their flight to Zurich, Albuquerque, or whatever balmy place that is their next destination. Which, conveniently puts them in a situation whereby they can stay for another 5 weeks! yay. how perfectly Excccciiiiting!!!! *takes out party poppers*

ok i should go... guess what? i hereby declare that that kid (i'll name him Jimmy after a certain Bryson character... and pray that it isn't patented) loathes, abhors, detests scales as much as i do! why? because he just slammed his piano in frustration.. 5 times in 2 minutes.. and counting hehehe (for your information, he is doing appreggios rite now heheh oh dear.. good luck to him)

and i really hate scales. it should really take a long holiday to Milwaukee along with the blasted blocks.

guess what?

i am just about to take a nice long stroll to the head office of the internet service provider and personally strangle whoever gets in my way. and believe me, no one, and i mean NO ONE will stop me. why? because i am absolutely certain that they are wanting to do the exact same thing. in fact, would you care to join in?

hello, i paid for a CONNECTION, not permanently hibernating signals!! the way the signals are sent... it is as though they got sloths with falling-sickness to deliver them! =S *whacks table* SERVICE i demand SERVICE!

*affected british accent here pls (or rather, just get kate winslet)* and as a paying customer, i expect to get what i want!

**mmm if any of you pple find this phrase disturbingly familiar, it's taken off from Titanic... the very .. uuh hum... sensual part (or, for some, nauseating) where Rose gets Jack to scribble caricatures of her. okok... draw a portrait of her... mm naked hehehehe and PLUS it isn't my fault that i remember this... it's all my brother's fault. uh and don't get me wrong, he isn't a budding leech, it's just that, he's more interested in watching Titanic sink continuously... with EXTRA LOUD soundtracks*

oh well, but it is certainly wonderful to have an asian country FINALLY be in the top __ (fill in the blanks yourself, bc i have no idea wut the match was all about wuahaha)

hmm Korea won Spain 0_0 just minutes earlier... which puts forth my 'let Korea win this round, and let Brazil truly trash them later', which is perfectly GOOD, because although i dislike the idea of spain losing out to korea, i just know that i would hate the idea of spain playing against brazil cuz i'd be torn between those two teams .. spain .. isn't that bad! =D yes, i know that being asian we should probably support asians (birds of the feather flock together?? *hopeful*) hehe but NO!!! it's brazil brazil brazil all the wayyyyyyyy.... and brazil better win!!!! you go ronaldinho.. cute teeth hehehe... there you go, here's what you get when someone who does not know anything about soccer starts to comment on it ;)

The Band Quiz By Rahel

oh this is so much fun... kaier don't kill me cuz i ripped them off! =) hehe

Find your inner fast food! by Emily

Friday, June 21, 2002

why is it that i have just noticed that this space is HTML-enabled??

been looking at quite a few people's website over in AsianAvenue and i must say that those people are sooooo darn good at html!!!!! *envious* a couple of them even made it so that the right click was disabled.. and i mean DISABLED, not 'rite-click and get a stupid popup box' ... which takes the fun out of stealing pictures somehow.. *sigh* wuahaha okok i'm bad.

i've noticed that for girls who are 'attached' so called, they all sound so... in love and crazy about their man. of course it is perfectly ok to be smitten and all that, but those girls actually made their sites into shrines of love and devotion!!! so is it just me or is it that girls (in general) totally lose their sense of self when they fall in love with a guy?? and again, is it just me or is it that from what i see in those sticky pics that those girls have plastered all over their site that... it seems like the girl is the one who is absolutely nuts about the guy while the guy.. is quite intent on looking his most suave and cool (if those two words go together) in the photo, and doesn't seem to care??? looks like it is pretty obvious who the heartbroken person would be if the couple split up *touch wood*. any opinion on this??? tell me aighty?

*orchestra and soccer fights for mindspace* ROUND 1 *dingding*

me: oh man you guys at it again? wait... that's the first time you are doing this. hmm.

*bish bam poke*

me: oh dear, that's pretty rough. well, keep at it alrite? i'm going to take a nice long shower. bye ;)

my goodness, people are STILL screaming

*boing boing boing* brazil WON!!!!!

just looked out of the window and yup, the brazilian flag is still out there =)

one thing tho, would getting a red card mean that Ronaldinho (or wutever his name is) is kept out of the NEXT match too??? He's one funny guy =) ok so i don't know anything about soccer... but mmm it's not my fault is it? =)

ah yes. and brazil won =D



BRAZIL BRAZIL BRAZIL!! =) i cannot believe that i am watching soccer!!!! wuahaha i was actually watching a vcd, when i heard my neighbor going YES YES YES!! =) hehe yupyup curiosity took over and out when the vcd and in came soccer!! @_@ you know what? it's actually quite interesting hehe.. mm yeah saw michael owen score a goal... and decided that i was going to support Brazil hehehhehe ... oh man it's half time now *waits*

it's so cool when rivaldo scored and everyone in the vincity (with the exception of my neighbor hehe) when YES YES AHHHHHH =) mmm i was especially amazed at David Seaman's (seeman? i have no idea) effort to get the ball that resulted in him actually jumping UP *boing* and flying OVER this OTHER guy on his own team, before landing BAM on the floor... ouch... looks like his spine took a real pounding there. =/ it was like gymnastics on the grass floor!!!!! mm yup, rough match.. keep the hands off the shirts, and legs off other players' legs boys!

ok going to sit @_@ in front of the tv and pray that Brazil will win. hehe so sue me if you're rooting for England =)

Thursday, June 20, 2002

you kno, i just read thru the previous entries of my blog and man are they depressing =/ hmm not too good. should probably be adding a few smileys here and there =) hehe oh well.

Arghhhh. brain going to explode. =S

hey i didn't know they did reruns of FRIENDS at 7pm! i thought the reruns came on at 11pm, but i switched on the tv and saw Ross trying to get his very uh hum... up to date car out of the tiny parking lot. =/ hmmm is it just me or is it deja vu? =)

apologies to people who have yet to receive my emails!!! oh man.... i feel kinda dead rite now.

alrite, i am immature, i dwell too much in my miseries and i should be looking at the brighter side of things and working towards my goal of whatever instead of moaning about it and complaining. ok i'm in the wrong. you happy now???



just before i posted the previous entry, i felt extremely horrible. it's that all too familiar, on the verge of breakdown feeling. =/ mmm i'm feeling better now tho, after that long long entry... drained, like. i just KNOW that the depression will sink in later on and i will probably end up crying or something... i mean i'm like 100% sure of this occurrence. i'm not at all surprised. i ALWAYS feel horrible when school's about to start -> there are just 101 things to do.. homework, orchestra practice, and majorly the whole daunting THOUGHT of more homework, more cramming, more ORCHESTRA REHEARSALS up ahead. it totally sucks to think that we are STILL having orchestra rehearsals (and on tuesdays, wednesdays, fridays, and saturdays too) when every other single cca has desisted.

i'm really feeling the pressure now, of everything piling on me... and it's going to be that all too familiar vicious cycle.. i'm about to have the last straw very soon...

THE CONCERT .......... IT HAS TO BE GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s: hey mike, if you are reading this, i just want to apologize for snapping at you the other day. i was in a really foul mood. anyways i don't mean it, and yup, i'm sorry. thanx for the 2nd email tho, it really made things alot better =) cheers.

for the first time in my life, i watched 'the practice' and god was it so damn good =D i do not think that all episodes are like that, but this one is definitely going to be on the top of the list for awhile. maybe it was my own ignorance, but the storyline just blew me away during the 2nd half of the show. i will attempt to recreate the storyline over here, though obviously, watching the real thing will be a hundred times better!!!!!

the story starts with the police arresting a man for the chain of murders that had been happening all around the usa. 9 people were decapitated, each of them with their fingernails pulled out. there were absolutely no clues left at the crime scene, and the only reason the police managed to catch the serial killer was because the ninth victim somehow managed to activate a silent alarm. the killer was caught in the neighborhood basement.

this killer himself has undergone 30 hours of vigorous tests with this reknown psychiatrist and while during the tests he appeared to, and admits to be guilty, he told an entirely different story during the hypnotism sessions, during which he proved himself to be innocent and incapable of committing such a crime. along with evidence that he had previously dismissed two lawyers who tried to prove that he was innocent, the psychiatrist referred this man to a lawyer **PAUSE: cannot remember name of lawyer, but she's the blonde with a short bob, you pple give her a name ok?** apparently convinced that the man in concern was suffering from illusions and that it is his dementia that is causing him to insist that he was the killer behind all the murders.

there are also other reasons for rendering this man innocent. he had absolutely no history of violent behavior, and the confessions that he gave to the police were ridden with holes. all of the information that he gave with regards to the murders were publicly available information that were released by the media and could be accessed via the internet and other publications. many of the arguments that he gave during the insistence that he was guilty were ridden with holes (he said that he took out the nails of ALL victims, just like the newspaper reports had claimed, when actually, the police had withheld the particular information that the nails of the 9th victim were intact) and certain critical details (such as the layout of the scene of the crime and position of the bodies) were sketchy.

of course there were other equally convincing reasons given that he had to be guilty, such as those dealing with the fact that he had no alibi, and some others that i forgot (i had them just a little earlier on...)

anyways, so the blonde (ok i'm sorry to have to refer to her in that manner!!!) decides to be the defending lawyer for this man's case, under the persuasion of the psychiatrist. she realizes that this man's self-destructive illusions, and sets off to the court, planning to go for an insanity plead, and then changing into an outright plead of 'not guilty'. she did that when all the while keeping the plan from the man, telling him simply that he has to be prepared to confess.

when she finally had to reveal that the plea was for innocence and not insanity, there was a mad gleam in the man's eyes as he insisted with absolute certainty about himself being guilty for the killing of all the 9 women, and that he wanted to repent and be free of sin before he dies. he also threatened first to 'remove' the lawyer from the court immediately (sacking her, in other words) and next by the threat of killing her if she doesn't back off.

however, the blonde was not daunted. she revealed the existence of the 10th victim and asked if he did kill all of 10 of the ladies. he replied in the affirmative. the blonde then announced to the court that she made the 10th victim out, and then gave a conclusion that in sentencing this man to death, they are doing a great disservice, for although everyone is scared, and that they all wanted to believe that the man standing in the courtroom is the serial killer, they cannot. the real killer is still out there, and what they should do instead is to grant this man his innocence (as much as he denies it) and tell the police to keep up the hunt for the real killer.

then it was the opposition's lawyer to speak. (ok the other side... whatever it is called) "During the entire course of the killings, there were absolutely no evidence. everything was done scrupulously, right down to the ritualistic removement of all the fingernails of the victims. in fact, it was so well done that if the 9th victim hadn't managed to activate the alarm, he wouldn't have been caught. this meant that the killer had meticulously planned his every move, and that he is very clever. and this man is a borderline genius, as proved by the psychiatrical analysis. he has proved himself capable of fooling a reknown psychiatrist, with his INTENDED firing of the 2 lawyers who tried to defend his innocence in court. that done, in order to preserve the integrity of his disillusion, he employs the blonde, KNOWING that he has already created sufficient doubts in the mind of the psychiatrist and most probably would have informed the blonde about it. he also PREDICTED that she would take a sudden swerve in the plea during court. it was all in his immaculate plan. all he had to do was to lie when it was required to and go along with it.' *okok the real thing was MUCH more articulate than this could ever be.. it was literally-speaking, PERFECT!! EXTREMELY convincing**

*i don't know about you but, it was only when i got to that point of the statement that i went OHHHH MY GOD!!!!*

and here's another twist... during that break in which the jury decides on the final verdict, the man asked, 'he delivered a very good closing speech, did he?' and in the next few minutes, he made it very obvious that he was in fact, the real killer, but yet, he was smart enough not to phrase things in such a way that it could be used against him. and so the jury comes up with a verdict... *Drum roll*

NOT GUILTY. *i when, WHAT??? after that amazing closing speech you tell me NOT GUILTY???*

and it's kinda scary when the psychiatrist offers further treatment for the man with regards to his disillusionment, and he gave her that cold icy stare and said, 'i will call you' *scary music plays* ... and the lawyers were helpless. definitely catching the next episode!

ah yes, on a lighter note, i watched FRIENDS after that and joey referred to his adam's apple as joey's apple -> because he thought that it would be named after each individual... hehehehehe awww it's no fun when you DICTATE it.... =S hehe anyways... it was hecka funny when he said it, complete with funny facial expressions, bulging eyes, and in that kind of innocent voice too hehehe =)

Wednesday, June 19, 2002

will be going to the zoo later on with my brother and his lil pal =D hehe yes! Finally going somewhere .. awesome. No i won't be going there as a specimen, rather, as a VISITOR, thank you very much. I know that half of you people out there don't even like visiting the zoo, and you think that it is the worst thing ever, 2nd to only Escape *grins*. BUT... aww i do like the place hehehehe. Perhaps i will ask them about volunteering in the zoo or something =) Getting a headstart here!!! Anyways, they have a new attraction by the name of Ethiopian i-forgot-the-second-word. So i will go check that out today.. whoopee! =) Hi babboons, here i come!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2002

happy. =D you kno, complaining is good, but not too much of it to your friends. which means that i am free to express my whims online!! mm yes, out with the bad! i am getting healthier by the minute!! hehehe uh oh .. which means you, by reading this blog.. is getting.. quite sickly. umm an apple? =D readers beware!!! @_@

*phew* the end of another orchestra rehearsal =D hehehe it was fun while it lasted, but gosh spending a whole day in a freezing room isn't my idea of FUN. especially not during summer break. *drained* we just received the rehearsal schedule all the way from late june to july. GOSH IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm sorry to have to resort to vague vulgarity... but but AHHH i am seriously going to expire. =S here's the equation

4 days of non-stop rehearsal (bear in mind that there are only 7 days a week) + practising + school + studying + homework (god... HOMEWORK) = dead vicky. *sobsobsobsobs* someone comfort me!!!! now the concert BETTER be good, after all the effort put in. otherwise, i'll personally go out there and strangle ... i dunno ANYONE!!! hehehhe oh well, that's a good reason to sit far back in the auditorium!!! =) heheh anyways, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get tickets to the concert!!! *begs* COME ON!!! support the needy!!!! =O make it all worthwhile for us!!!! wuahaha p.s afternoon tickets will be cheaper by 2 bucks hehehe so yeah =) COME PLEASE COME!!!! and APPLAUD us!

i've noticed that those pop-up windows have become a common sight when you visit... practically every site. what's the hype about those tiny spy-cams? what exactly would be a good use for them? they do mention in the popup ads. that those spycams can be used for 'fun' and 'security'. in my not-so-humble opinion, that's more like 'pornography', 'sick humor' and 'intrusion of privacy'. honestly, what is so important that you have to keep your eyes on 24/7?? and secretly too!!! i would just die if say, my husband were to spy on me like that. dash that. i would SUE if ANYONE.. absolutely ANYONE did that to me!! i can understand the purpose of those security cameras, but uhm... why not just keep it as SECURITY cameras? and not those darn, microscopic little things that would get lost in the hem of your skirt? it doesn't make sense!!!!

oh well, on another note, mom has left for taiwan this afternoon... without me!!!! *cries* aww i would so love to go back, even if it is only for a week. hehe i'm easily contented =) she paid absolutely NOTHING in terms of airfare!! the airplane ticket was bought for only SG390. no prizes for guessing which airline tho. hehehhehe i'm just hoping that she gets there safe and sound =S china airlines has had one too many accidents man!

Monday, June 17, 2002

just came back from a certain village in singapore =) bought my first Bryson book for like 6 bucks off the cover price! ahh that is heaven! =) anyways, i do not understand why asian people suck up to the whites... it gets really disgusting and repulsive to watch them be so spineless and falling over themselves to be extra nice to the caucasian customers. it is really quite embarrassing =/

what has happened to asian pride? you kno what? slobbering is ok, if they slobber in front of every customer... BUT BUT BUT they do it ONLY in front of white people... and they cannot be bothered when it comes to the less exotic asian people. =( in fact, they are outrightly RUDE. they are asians themselves for goodness sake, so why are they looking down on themselves??? it doesn't make sense!!! and they wonder why caucasians do not respect them... hmmm... i'm SO indignant i tell you!

and i really do not like it when storekeepers go, 'YES?' at you when you are merely looking at stuff. it is as though they are going 'you kno what, you poor schmuck, you can't pay for any of the stuff here, so why don't you just get lost and don't make me waste my precious time on you. i could be better off making a sale with some rich expatriate'. argh that just totally pisses me off. =( *simmers*

then again.. i shouldn't be angry hehe i should keep my cool and SMILE. ... while quietly shooting daggers wuahah nah nah just kidding =) SMILING now! not giving a hoot about whatever hehehe all good. just burnt a cd, WONDERFUL! =)

Sunday, June 16, 2002

heyyyy a friend sent me an email regarding the qualities of her dream guy (e.g. boyfriend and the likes), and made me list out mine too ... ok not MADE.. FORCED, ORDERED, more like wuahahah ok i'm just kidding, don't come and slaughter me! being the good girl that i am *everyone pukes* i have dutifully written down my list of 20 hehe =) check it out! i will explain the choices too hehehe (as you can see i am wayyyy too bored)

1. he must love me for who i am, not who i am not and who i mite be
-> very cliched but so true don't you think? this is the basis of every relationship!!!

2. no smoking.
-> definitely not. i don't want to go out with a cigarette butt. thank you very much ;) don't smoke!!!!!! it sucks!!!!!

3. has a matching sense of humor
-> so we can go all silly and hehe and haha the nite away!! =) as they say, looks go but humor/smiles doesn't, something like that wuahahha i'm getting it all mixed up, but anyways, it would be so horrible to be uptight and serious all your life with no smiles and laughter =) hehe humor is what makes everything seem possible when everything else looks so bleak =) hehehe ahh another quote -> if you don't have a sense of humor, you will be the butt of everyone elses.

4. not APPEAR overly lecherous
-> ok i used the word appear bc... uh hum i bet there is an Austin Powers inside every guy hehehe =) so yup, not letting the AP guy run the entire show, flaunting his MOJO and his other creepy desires would be nice =D the rest is all natural so it's fine.

5. taller!! =) hehe
-> my personal quirk. im quite particular about that. i know there's this whole lot of 'you shouldn't care about what other pple think' etc. stuff going around, but yeah, unfortunately, i remain unwavered wuahaha =)

6. older or of the same age
-> not a single second younger =) again, personal quirk. maybe it the asian values are coming into place too i dunno hehe =)

7. does not have to share the same interest, but ahhh has to be able to carry on a good conversation
-> according to an ancient chinese saying, 'eyes are windows to the soul' BUT i beg to differ... conversations are! =) hehe besides i am the talkative kind of person (can't you justs see, from the amt of blog entries? hehehe) so the other party has to talk too, or else i will get laryngitis (sp) wahaha...

8. GREY MATTER! i require grey matter (oh dear this is starting to sound like a shopping trip down to the wet market)
-> *we interrupt this list for a special announcement. while she was talking about grey matter, the author noticed someone in the estate (time now is 11:25pm) trying to howl like a wolf. that, she notes, is NOT an action of a person with sufficient grey matter. back to the list*

9. maturity of thought
-> self-explainatory. no nappies please! ;)

10. has to be kind to animals
--> by kind i mean, don't kick them or illtreat them in any way =) umm INSECTS DON"T COUNT wuahahha hehe running away is ok tho, just don't whack them or anything!! compassion! hehehe but of course, don't show compassion to a lumbering 20 foot high i dunnowhat! =) plus, if your life is in danger... yeah, you get the msg =)

11. know how to treat a girl rite
-> wuahhaa great stuff, line 11 =) hehehe *shyshy*

12. be suitably masculine!!!!
-> NO EFFEMINATE MEN for goodness sake!!! *remembers power tv news report of effeminate guy expressing love for taiwan VP via huge billlboards* ahhhhhhhhhhh *jumps out of skin*

13. not too much of that male chauvanist thing
-> *whines* DAD!!!!

14. decent enough in terms of looks
-> heheh definitely not extremely repulsive =) hehee but yeah, reasonably decent will do hehehe i'm sorry but i cannot break into the 'looks don't matter, only personality does' group of people. =( guilty as charged hehehe =) remember my infamous line? *everyone nods and yawns* repeat after me! hehe LOOKS ATTRACT PEOPLE BUT IT IS THE PERSONALITY THAT MAKES THEM STAY!!!!!! =) *everyone relieved that it is over and done with*

15. build-wise, not overwhelmingly chunky (buff) nor skinny
-> neither an iron washboard nor beancurd nor beanpole hehehhe oh dear i am sounding soooooo gross =) NEXT

16. get along well with my friends and parents
-> believe me, not getting along with either is a definite gonner. it'll be pure hell i tell you =S

17. understanding enough to know that i need my personal space sometimes too =) TRUSTING tooooooo
-> think 24/7 bodyguard.. NOT hehe. Trust is VERY VEry VERY VERY VERY important to me!!!! a relationship is nothing without trust. that is all i will say =)

18. *sniff sniff* smell ooh heheh
-> no BO please ;)

19. nice, masculine, soothing voice
-> awwwwwww.......... *snuggles*

20. be supportive of what i do! =) hehehe my hopes my dreams yep
-> my rock! heheheh =)

THE END.. aren't you glad? hehee

sounds like i will never have a boyfriend... wayyyyy too picky hehehheh uh oh *guys run away* COME BACK!! hehehe

you kno, after so much of this and that, i bet you anything that the list would thrown away the moment you really like a person hehehe =) in fact, it would be almost hilarious to compare your list, if you do make one, with the qualities of the boyfriend that you are in a relationship with =) it is then that you will realize the true essence of LOVE *romantic music plays* oh man, no matter what shape and size (hehe) the guy is, you will still love him for it hehehe yay!!!

oh oh and for all your single people out there, take heart!!!! meanwhile, love yourself hehe it's the best thing that you can do for yourself. you deserve that! =)

that's all for now going to sleep!! hehehe NITE nite .. and try not to dream of me wuahahhaha

thanks to the 'xstreme surfer', i am successfully enlightened. hehehe the unnaturally excited and happy people were watching SOCCER! hehehe *ant pleased* ah yes now i can laugh even harder!! wuahahhahahahaha *gets shot* ouch that hurts! =D hehe nevertheless hehehehehehehe... *gets carted off to mental hospital* *tied up in strait-jacket*

btw before i get 'cold turkey' -> url for the surfer's blog is go visit =)

p.s parents having fun and laughter in neighbor's alone at home having indigestion =*(

do scroll down. sorry i forgot =)

kaier you are LINKED! heheheh check out =) wuuahahah weird graphic i know... send me something better ;) hehe buh bai! good luck with braseeelll =)

gosh i just read all my entries and boy do i sound like i have alot of hot air. oh dear. anyhow, yeah well, mood hasn't been too good over the past few days. i think it is because of the holidays! *shocked* *other people shocked too* Before you take my holidays away from me... HEAR MY EXPLANATION!!! =S hehe

holidays, nice as they are, are really monotonous *my own fault really*, and it kinda drains all the life-giving energy that you have inside you, hence leaving you with NONE *gasp* to finish up the mountains of homework. nono honestly, i really think that i can only function with a hard schedule, otherwise i will just laze around and rot away and quietly begin to fermentate and mold. hehehhee therefore, despite reading all the 'don't sweat the small stuff' books (wonderfully written, go get a copy in the school library wahahaha) and reading about how having things undone till the last minute creates alot of undue stress... i absolutely do not heed the well-meaning suggestions =S *guilty*

i do not mind school, really, but i do mind getting up at an unearthly hour every morning!!! *Cries* and it would help if the sun were to be a little less scorching and the temperature a LITTLE colder =) ahhhh lovely ... *dreams of ac* ... Zzzz. Oops sorry, it was supposed to be conducive. =S heheheh

OK THE TIME NOW IS 10:10pm, and i am hearing shouts from the neighboring block at intervals of approximately 10 mins... VERY excited, 'WOAHHHHHHH' shouts to be exact. hehehe.... @_@ are they watching SOCCER?????? *all confused* There goes another one!!!!! heheheheh oh man i am starting to find this really funny hee heee heee heee heee hehehheheheh =) Will someone enlighten me??? heheh gosh those people sound like hey are having a hecka lot of fun!!! *pokes head out of window, yearning* wuahahhaa

oopsies i am going crazy, better go now. ciao!

i finally have new school shoes!!! for all of those who have seen the condition of my ancient shoes, wuahaha you'll all be so glad that this has eventuated ;) wuahah i should really put in a picture of my 'holey' shoes hehehe, perhaps it mite pass off as an antique and bring in some green stuff? (not mold! wuahaha) i'll miss my comfy sneakers tho *sniffsniff*

TINA i've got your stuff for you! will be sending them out asap =)

--- end of transmission ---

quality! heheh oh dear. miss qc has been thru this blog and the quality seems to be dipping further and further below the standard. =I ok let's talk about world peace then. *beep* do i hear violent objections? ho hum. ok that's it. enough for today. i'm being terrorized. gotta go. ahhh. what the...

--- transmission truncated ---


Saturday, June 15, 2002


dying... dying... dead.

panic attack -> where are all the people??? friends?? family??? =O help!!!!!!!!!! i'm becoming a hopeless hermit!!!!! hampster help!!

bored. bored bored. bored bored bored. no inspiration ahhh!!! i think the martians have landed and stole my brains yesterday nite. i can't think anymore!!! i still have 2 more essays to go... =( the TYS has nothing remotely associative to those college reader essays that i picked. argh... writer's block... vocabulary constipation.

ooh hope that my brother finishes his share (along with staring fixedly at the nth rerun of TITANIC. he really enjoys watching the ship sink, that sardonic guy hehe) of holiday homework. that way, we can go SHOPPING for shoes!! footwear!! whachamacallit!! =D yay!

tonite is a nite dedicated to the various different accents =) in just a mere 4 hours, i was exposed to accents of mandarin, scottish, american, and 'braseeelian' origins. what was i doing? hehe watching tv!

accents are such interesting things! they peek out from the depths of the english language, giving a colorful display of ethnicity and even dollops of culture and individualism. IDENTITY! yes, identity! =) The letter 't' is the most distinguishing letter of all, of which it is supposedly the hardest letter to pronounce. more often than not, native speakers can pick out non-native speakers from their pronunciation of that particular letter, even though they have been born and bred in that country, so to speak. the letter 't' is also a letter of many faces. in certain accents, the 't' is clipped and well-articulated, while in others, it is merely slid over by simplest movement of the tongue. for example, 'twenty' can easily appear as 'twenny' and so on and so forth =)

hmm... i wonder if there is a faculty of study entirely dedicated to the way english is pronounced...

Friday, June 14, 2002

just woke up from a very very long and very very fulfilling (wuahah wrong word) sleep!! *stretches* ooh great stuff! heheh i'm all awake now, at 7:30 pm =) NO SUN!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! *kicks sun away* i do hate the sun, wait, correction, i do not hate the SUN, rather i hate the scorching heat that it sends. So for example, i would be happy in a place with sunshine, but where the temperature doesn't rise say, 23 degrees. Hmm, actually an occasional hot day i can handle, so scratch that ;) Humidity is also a HUGE bane in my life. singapore is overly humid and so stuffs in closets almost always get mildew and whathaveyou. now that is GROSS. =P

vaguely heard the phone ringing somewhere during my lazy slumber, but wuahaha i just decided not to pick up the phone and went into 'REM sleep' ... just kidding, actually i cannot differentiate the different kind of sleeps. (since i myself was sleeping) However, i do like the experiment that the scientists did about waking people up and depriving a certain section of their sleep, and comparing the effects, to which i found pretty interesting! =)

i cannot believe that it is physically possible to have a muscle in the hand aching... specifically, the entire stretch of muscle that is connected to your thumb. (wait, my thumb wuahaha) this is a new discovery, everyone ->CHEER!!! hehe. *phew* orchestra practice is tiring!! *Takes long breaks, get scolded*

now its time for dinner, except that dinner is nowhere to be found!!! ahhh... oh dear maybe that phonecall was from my parents, wanting me to meet them for dinner... (insert msn shocked face) ruminations ruminations... (the word ruminate ALWAYS ALWAYS reminds me of marinate for some strange, obscure reason hehehe)

ok i've realized that the time on the bottom of each entry is amazingly wrong, and since i have yet to find a way to get that particular tool to work for me, hm just ignore the time of the post =) otherwise i'll seem like some strange person who comes online at all the unearthly hours =S hehe i'm quite healthy, really! for all those people who are dying to know when i wrote all my entries... just use that 9:30 am entry as a reference! have fun counting ;)

here's what my teacher wrote on my report book -> Victoria (pls, no chinese name here, too telling! hehehe you never kno who is reading this!) is a pleasant student to have in class. With her strength of character, sense of responsibility and maturity of thought, she ought to take on more leadership roles.

*grins* hehehe i like the character part! *gets pummelled by others ahh* anyways, i beg to differ on that last point. i really do not like being the leader... and i think that i'd rather be pulled by the nose =) i dunno, but i get all nervy and awkward when i have to speak to a group of people, especially regarding matters that i know they wouldn't be to glad to hear. so maybe in the competition between authority and public relations, i will choose the latter. i really really really respect and admire those people who can somehow juggle matters and maintain a fine balance between those two extremes =D cheers to the 2002 orchestra president!!!! you are the rock!

Thursday, June 13, 2002

i'm back for the 3rd and hopefully final entry of today. (it's about time! hehe) i've just been reading a weekly column written by this friend of mine ;) and a certain line set me thinking about my own perspective as to who i really am and all that psychological stuff. Typical identity issues i reckon. Well anyways, for those people who know me, they will know that i come from a family in which everyone speaks mandarin with a certain relish. In fact here is the breakdown ->

* Dad learns his nifty bit of english from an amazing quantity of american blockbuster reruns.
* Brother hmmm has a long way to go in terms of excelling in english.
* Mom currently in Module One of the infamous "BEST" english program. (about to proceed to module 2 btw hehe so cut her some slack)

I do think that my mandarin has been faltering throughout these few years, during which i have successfully avoided reading any chinese book thicker than 2 cm. the last mandarin program that i watched was meteor garden (in which 4 guys pranced about the screen, irritating the other guys watching the show hehe), and that was way back in October last year. and when chinese exams roll along, i merely memorize all the words, only the have them hidden in some dark corner of my medulla oblongata (biology word, inserted with a very high possibility of error). it is not as though i detest the language or the culture for that is certainly not the case, but due to the above-mentioned reasons, i am slowly but surely losing my grasp on the language. many a time i would have something to tell my parents, only to end up in a huff because of my limited vocabulary. and that doesn't help things because my parents have spent their entire lives studying everything they know in mandarin... english included. (which doesn't help things EITHER! hehe but that is besides the point)

on the other hand, my english isn't all that wonderful, and that really puts me in a limbo. i am, as you would say, in the middle of the devil and the deep blue sea, or hard rock wall or whatever, unaccepted by both the asian and western worlds. (so i think) while i am thankful for my billingual education background, i cannot help but ponder if in striving to achieve the mastery of both languages, i have successfully fallen short of both, and ended up in the gutter with people of similar fate. (a hybrid mutant maybe?)

i should really be talking about identity, but i have a feeling that if i were to drone on... this page would have no end =) besides i think this whole language thing is a pretty heavy topic already.. so dash that idea!

before you start to think that i am in a nasty i-hate-everyone mood again, i am not! heheh i was being serious -> overly i should think. but then again, it was a pretty touchy subject. any comments anyone? feel free to email me at
gosh there are so many things to say and yet so little strength (both mental and physical) to say it all. everything is just in a perpetual swirl in my head.

i think that the main reason of me not keeping a journal before was due to a particular Queen of Gluttony in me. She *points accusingly* is a slobbering mess of Jello who keeps ON procrastinating day after day after day. (you get the picture) Getting out of the throne (don't think in the bathroom kinda way please! hehe) is an effort for her and so is picking up a pen and scribbling on pieces of paper. it just looks too daunting =) Just when things were looking very bleak, along came T-E-C-H-N-O-L-O-G-Y (by golly that was hard to type!!!) and voila! no writing, just typing, no formatting, just posting heheh hey the Queen of Gluttony was in Jello Heaven!! LURVELY, STUPENDOUS! AHH i love this blogger! *muacks* and thanks to that, people can finally gain access to my mind. is that a good thing tho? oh i dunno hehe =) (no, i did not watch 'being john malkovich', was it a good movie by the way?)

i've got comments and ACCUSATIONS *ahh* ;) from a couple of lovely people that i write very differently from the way i talk (and the way i walk.. oops wrong scene) and hmmm hehe i dunno, how am i supposed to write otherwise? i don't think i am capable of any other forms of expressing myself, unless the usage of those cute cute cute msn emoticons are involved. (gosh i really love those) And with that note i will end this entry, SMILE PLEASE! LAUGH, don't fall off the chair, i know you are glad that this is over.

**POST MORTEM (just kidding) : this blog is starting to look less and less like a journal, more like a public address sermon. i better watch my words... otherwise mr. qc mite just hand me another ticket (insert msn surprised emoticon here) hehe **

being amazingly bored out of my brains rite now, and having just completed one of my college reader essays *yay!!!!* i have decided to publish YET another one of this journal thing. well, i hope that it is not going to be a one-shot thing and that i can keep it going with similar enthusiasiam throughout... it's whole existence.

anyways, i have come to a conclusion that my brain is fully equipped with cells who can only work at their optimum capabilities when the sun is not cheerfully poking out through the clouds, and that the temperature is comfortably below 25 degrees. other than that, it is brain death at its most dominant. which probably renders 256 days useless -> not a very good thing, in fact, not a good thing at all. =( hmm. i should really install some kind of mechanism that will successfully delude my brain into thinking that a 35 degree, summer's day is actually a winter's night =D how's that for a new invention? no? it's just as well then. i'll just sleep the other days away =) hehe.

guten morgen. the time now is 9:30 am and i have successfully listened to my own whims and chickened out of orchestra rehearsal. yay *does happy jig* anyways, today feels like a great day. i can just feel it in my bones. for starters it was actually COLD in the morning *everyone else everywhere else shakes head* okok it's not my fault that i am 'wonderfully accustomed' to the singapore weather!! hehehe it was a lovely 23 degrees celsius over here, and i was lying in bed WITH THE FAN ON (blowing at me at a distance of approximately 50 cm) snuggling in my blue (yes blue, i've abandoned the hearts) blankie.. yummmy wuahahaha =)

hopefully today i will be able to squeeze out some inspiration for my three college reader essays that are due when school reopens. wanted to write about squishing bugs yesterday, but all inspiration i had died at out approximately line two. *sheepish* ah well, like i said, today is going to be a wonderful, happy-ish sort of day, so i suppose that i will be able to concoct something good =)

*boing* sorry for that, felt like bouncing around a bit. you know, i think i have the most horrible mood swings. i mean, just check out today's entry and yesterday's! hehehe a whole world of difference. i'm a dynamic person!!! *vomits* wuahaha okok just fickle.

anyways, for the past few weeks i've survived on the steady mental diet of a certain someone's (pple who know me should kno) books, and although they are still very very amusing and extremely interesting, i am starting to doubt the quality of his character. =S it gets quite disturbing when he keeps on drawing references to pornography and naked women hanging on bridges, drawing a bargain with a muscle-y male rescuer (more often than not, himself) to show him her 'goods' after being rescued. also, references to 'wholesome little waste-materials (you kno what)' and 'pompous little waste-materials (once again you kno what)' doesn't really help too in maintaining the integrity of it all. but still, wuahahaha reading it like there's no tomorrow hehehe *brain all corrupted*

okay that's all for the morning entry, i'll see if there's any more interesting stuff to 'report' later on today =) buh bai!

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

just completed the msn form thing earlier on, something about personal information and stuffs. 225 characters for each box? my goodness i overshot it by a mile. should probably start eating my words if i continue at this rate. it's weird how people always sound so depressed when they write in their journals. (myself being one of them, come to think of it, i AM depressed) maybe it's this entire setup that makes you feel gloomy and ultimately manipulates your thoughts so they come out as negative cognitions (ok i promise, no more of that coming your way). some theory.

i think the monday blues just brought itself over to wednesday nite blues. the fact that the weather is surprisingly cool tonite doesn't help too. before you think i am some ungrateful nut... i am not! i am oh so thankful that the temperature has finally dropped below 25 sweltering degrees, but... there's just this post-rain kind of silence going around, where you can hear the neighbor's kid trying desperately to tinker one of mozart's sonatas. it is faintly unsettling i tell you. and there goes my mother, with the radio on, listening to another one of those romantic symphonies, and screaming at me to tidy up the room in which i've successfully scattered all my instruments. ahhh where's the equilibrium??? the zen??? the yogic balance?????????? it's no wonder that mental institutions nowadays are choked full of poor unbalanced souls.

oooh there's this faint glimmer somewhere in the far horizon... could it be -> an ufo? hehe fat hope. aww all disappointed now. ok it's gone. zip. nada. finished. kaputt.

on a lighter note, i mite just decide to skip orchestra rehearsal tomorrow. i'm so stressed rite now, and i honestly do NOT feel like looking at my conductor's tomato-face tomorrow. not that she is eternally embarrassed... but that she will probably blow her top when she hears me play... if you can call it playing. i just received the score for goodness sake, and after a day of so-called practising, my verdict is that -> i am not ready in any way. so yeah, i reckon i will skip that practice - mom's backing me up thankfully. UNFORTUNATELY, now i would have to tag along with my mom and brother and one of her extremely rich friends tomorrow to some remote island to the south-east of singapore, for some wholesome pseudo-family activity. she's bringing along her little niece from my school too, how sensationally enticing. really, i sound like an absolute grouch and gringe rite now (hey they all start with a gr how nice) and i probably am. so i think i should just leave this place before it starts to drip with sarcasm and distaste, if it isn't already. have a nice day.