Friday, January 30, 2004

Because I was Bored

004. Zodiac Sign - aquarius
005. Shoe Size - six-ish
006. Height - 5 ft 9 going on 10
007. Eyes - dark brown
008. Pets - virile fish
009. Siblings - a younger brother
011. Hair - black with queer red strands
012. Hair Length - long.
013. Have You Ever Dyed Your Hair? - yup
014. Are You Good In School? - i try hard, so i am
019. Nicknames - chee, chewy, kiwi.
020. Do You Play Sports? - not competitively. basketball, gymnastics, netball, the works, and dance sport.
021. Are You A Night Or Morning Person? - night
022. Are You Ticklish? - everywhere, yes.
023. Do You Believe In God? - He is there if you believe in Him.
024. What's Your Screen Name? - victoria, gothess
025. Do You Have Braces? - nope. i wanna, tho.
026. Do You Have Glasses? - yup.
027. What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? - toned and slim. someone successful.
028. What Was The Worst Day Of Your Life? - there isnt a particular one.
029. What Are The Best Days Of Your Life? - winter of 2001
030. What Comes First In Your Life? - myself.
031. Do You Have A Boyfriend/Girlfriend? - no.
032. What Are You Most Scared Of? - people i love dying.
033. What Do You Usually Think Of Before You Go To Bed? - random unmentionable things.
034. If You Could Be Anything Without Consequences, What Would You be? - paris hilton, just for awhile to see how low is low.

035. Movies - mona lisa smile, LOTR. thats all i remember.
036. Band/Group/Artist - garbage, jay, eminem
037. Store - feminine
038. Relative - cousins
039. Sport - (to watch, to partake in) gymnastics.
040. Vacation Spot - i havent been to enough places to decide.
041. Ice Cream Flavor - dont like ice cream. anything berry should be good tho.
042. Fruit - honey dew. assortment of berries.
043. Candy - dont like candy.
044. Car - silver bmw convertible
045. Class - dance/music/language
046. Holiday - christmas, for the cold, sparkles and carols.
047. Day Of The Week - saturday
048. Color - i invariably find myself in possession of one too many purple items.
049. Magazine - seventeen.
050. Name For A Girl - nicole. because it sounds good.
051. Name For A Boy - christian, after christian
052. Sports Team - the underdog.
053. Month - winter.
054. Animal - the horse. actually, i dunno.
055. Saying - none in particular.
056. Word - traume (deutsch)
057. Room In Your House - my room. i dont own a house.
058. Concert You Have Been To - sun. oh god. :(
059. Meat - cooked.
060. Pizza Topping - cheese.
061. State - high.
062. City - taipei
063. Feeling - orgasmic. pain, in moderate doses.
064. College - hwa chong junior college
065. Number - 2. its the number of my life.
066. Book - the portrait of an artist, as an old man
067. Cereal - muesli

In The Past 24 Hours Have You...
068. Had A Serious Talk? - yes. somewhat.
069. Hugged Someone? - nope.
070. Fought With A Friend? - nope.
071. Cried? - yes.
072. Laughed? - yes.
073. Made Someone Laugh? - yep.
074. Bought Something? - yup, and cried.
075. Flirted With Someone? - no.
076. Felt Stupid? - yes.
077. Talked To Someone You Love? - yes.
078. Missed Someone? - yes.

Have You Ever...
080. Eaten An Entire Box Of Oreos? - no, they dont come in boxes.
081. Kissed Someone? - yes.
082. Ever Worn Black Nail Polish? - yep.
083. Stayed Home On Saturday Night, Just Because? - yep.
084. Have You Ever Died? - all the time.
085. Seen The White House? - nope. ive seen houses of other colors, tho.
086. Seen The Eiffel Tower? - in pictures.
087. Drank Alcohol? - yes.
088. Played Monopoly? - yep.
089. Ever Seen A Ghost? - no, dont intend to.
090. Tried A Weight Loss Program? - no particularly
091. Jumped On A Trampoline? - yep.
092. Colored In A Coloring Book (And Had Fun)? - yep.
093. Had A Bubble Bath? - yeah.
094. Been On A Plane? - yep.
095. Been On A Boat? - yep.
096. Been On A Train? - yep.
097. Been In A Car Accident? - yep.
098. Ridden An Elephant? - yep.
099. Made A Web Page? - yep.
100. Played With Legos? - yep.
101. Stayed Up All Night? - yep. hated it.
102. Shoved Stuff Under Your Bed To Make It Look Clean? - all the time.
103. Broken A Bone? - nope, strange.
104. Called A Psychic Or Sex Hotline? - nope
105. Watched Jerry Springer? - nope.
106. Gotten In Trouble For Talking In Class? - quite often
107. Been Afraid Of The Dark? - yeah.
108. Been In The Hospital (Not Visiting)? - yeah. had amazing fever.
109. Had Stitches? - nope. thank god!
110. Been In A Fist Fight? - yep.
111. Lap Danced? - yep.
112. Lied? - all the time. to myself. and others occasionally.
113. Been Arrested? - nope.
114. Fallen Asleep In Class? - yep. of course.
115. Used Food For Something Other Than To Eat? - yeah huh.
116. Met A Celebrity? - yes.
117. Broken The Law? - yes.
118. Skipped Class? - yes.
119. Hated Yourself? - not really.
120. Tried to match your friends to characters in you favourite tv show or movie? - no.
121. Fallen Off A Chair? - yes. it was pulled out from under me.
122. Wanted To Kill Someone? - yes, dont you?

Do You...
123. Like To Give Hugs? - yes.
124. Like To Walk In The Rain? - run, yes.
125. Sleep With Or Without Clothes On? - underclothes.
126. Prefer Black Or Blue Pens? - mechanical pencils.
127. Dress Up On Halloween? - yep.
128. Have A Job? - teaching piano
129. Sleep On Your Side, Tummy, Or Back? - back. with my blanket over my nose
130. Have A Goldfish? - they died long ago.
131. Ever Have The Falling Dream? - yes.
132. Have Stuffed Animals? - yes.
133. Like To Give Anal Sex To Animals? - no. not to any other life form for that matter.
134. Believe In The Horoscopes? - yes, mostly. our fate is written in the stars.
135. Like Your Handwriting? - sometimes
136. Have any piercings? - no im a wimp.
137. Have any tattoos? - no.
138. Like cartoons? - they are ok
139. Own A Miniskirt? - yes.
140. Floss? - yes. (that's slang for thong right?)
141. Use Big Words To Sound Smart? - no.
142. Do You Do Everything Better Than Guch? - who's that?
143. Have Your Own TV & VCR? - no.
144. See Dead People? - no.
145. Do You Like Little Kids? - yeah, but only the unconscious ones in their prams.
146. Watch The Weather Channel While Getting Ready In Your Hotel Room On Vacation? - yes.

147. What Superhero Would You Be? - catwoman. meow.
148. Are You Picky? - very.
149. What Makes You Mad? - some people, some things.
150. What Do You Think Of Bush? - green
151. Who Do You Admire? - not many
152. What Time Is It? - 12 am
153. What Did You Do Today? - shopped, studied, homeworked, schooled, cried, hated.
154. Are Your Parents Annoying? - sometimes. conservative parental spasms.
155. What Is The Farthest You Have Ever Traveled? - from where?
156. What Kind Of Shampoo Do You Use? - rejoice.
157. When You Get Mad, Do You Swear A Lot? - fuck yes.
158. How Many Sheets Are On Your Bed? - one.
159. What's Under Your Bed? - history.
160. Are You A Good Speller? - yes.
161. Are You Talented? - yes, probably.
162. If So, How? - musically perhaps.
163. Blow Me? - who are you?

What do you think of...
164. Abortion - ok.
165. Bill Clinton - nothing.
166. Eating Disorders - they happen.
167. Rap - good, if performed live.
168. Suicide - it happens.
169. Piercings - ok once they are past the festering stage.
170. Make-up - the only reason for hollywood stars to exist.
171. Drinking - yes, please.

What Do You Think Of When You Hear This Name...
172. Leah - king lear.
173. Megan - pecan
174. Brandon - fraser.
175. Christina - ricci
176. Angela - annoying fat ass.
177. Courtney - cox.
178. Lauren - ralph
179. Lisa - simpson
180. Jackie - big nosed asian.
181. Kat - the lyricist economics tutor
182. Patrick - four leaf clover
183. Erin - brokovitch
184. Jennifer - paige

This Or That?
185. Be Serious Or Funny? - funny.
186. Single Or Taken? - taken. i wish.
187. MTV Or VH1? - mtv.
188. 7th Heaven Or Dawson's Creek? - neither.
189. Sugar Or Salt? - salt
191. Silver Or Gold? - silver.
192. Tongue Or Belly Button Ring? - belly button.
193. Chocolate Or Flowers? - none
194. Color Or Black & White Photos? - either.
195. Sunrise Or Sunset? - sunset.
196. M&M's or Skittles? - skittles
197. Rap Or Rock? - rap
198. Stay Up Late Or Sleep In? - wish i could sleep in more often
199. Tall Members Of The Opposite Sex or Short? - i require tall.
200. Sun Or Moon? - moon
201. Pierced Nose Or Tongue? - pierced nose.
202. Diamond Or Ruby? - diamond.
203. Left Or Right? - ambi
204. Cat Or Dog? - dog.
205. Mustard Or Ketchup? - mustard.
206. Newspaper Or Magazine? - magazine. because i don't get print on my fingers.
207. Spring Or Fall? - fall
208. A Year Of Hot Sex Or A Lifetime Of Friendship? - a year of hot sex. may i have both?
209. Happy Or Sad? - both. i'm dialectic.
210. Sneakers Or Sandals? - sneakers.
211. Blondes Or Brunettes? - brunettes.
212. Duct Tape Or Scotch Tape? - duct. scotch isnt half as strong
213. Pepsi Or Coke? - neither.
214. Nike Or Adidas? - adidas.

Love Life
215. Been Dumped? - yes.
216. Had Someone Be Unfaithful To You? - yes.
217. Been In Love? - probably.
218. Dumped Someone And Regretted It? - no.
219. Went Out With More Than One Person At A Time? - no.
220. Been Brokenhearted? - yes.
221. Broken Someone's Heart? - i might have.
222. Like Someone? - dunno.
223. If You Could Kiss Anyone In The World, Who Would It Be? - it's a secret.
224. If You Could Date Anyone In The World, Who Would It Be? - too many
225. What Is The Biggest Turn Off? - bad breath, bad teeth.
226. What Is The Biggest Turn On? - eyes, hair, and then some. oh and personality too.
227. Do You Think There Is A Person For Everyone? - yes, only if more people turned lesbian. as it is, the world gender ratio is somewhat skewed.
228. If Yes, Do You Know Where Yours Is? - in my head.
229. Do You Believe In Love At First Sight? - i might.
230. Have You Ever Been In Love? - lust too
231. What Do You Think Love Is? - commercial .
232. Do You Think It Lasts Forever? - it mutates.
233. Do You Want To Get Married? - is that a proposal?
234. How Many Times? - ok.
235. When Was Your First Kiss? - once upon a time.

236. First Grade Teacher's Name - hsiao
237. Last Word You Said - yeah.
238. Last Song You Sang - kiss kiss
239. Last Meal You Ate - beef noodles. and had indigestion. again.
240. Favorite Childhood Cartoon - captain planet.
241. What Did You Hate Most About School - chemistry and that math teacher.
242. Last Person You Flipped Off - dad. and he me.
243. Last Song Stuck In Your Head - powerless
244. Last Time You Were Burned - in hell, all the time.
245. Last Time You Bled - 2 days back. ankle.
246. What's In Your CD Player - britney.
247. What Color Socks Are You Wearing - no socks.
249. What's The Weather Like? - clear.
250. What Time Did You Wake Up Today? - 6:20 effing am
251. Who Do You Want To Marry? - someone
252. Are You Going To College? - yes, this year, to taiwan. i hope.
253. If So, How Long Do You Want To Go? - until i get my undergrad degree.
254. How Many Kids Do You Want? - dont like kids

Thursday, January 29, 2004


i wanna go home. not this home. home home. where the shoes are better and not only for puny fucking midgets and fat assed ladies.

hehe rippd it off sharon's blog. thanks :)

You are a PHOENIX in your soul and your
wings make a statement. Huge and born of flame,
they burn with light and power and rebirth.
Ashes fall from your wingtips. You are an
amazingly strong person. You survive, even
flourish in adversity and hardship. A firm
believer in the phrase, 'Whatever doesn't kill
you only makes you stronger,' you rarely fear
failure. You know that any mistake you make
will teach you more about yourself and allow
you to 'rise from the ashes' as a still greater
being. Because of this, you rarely make the
same mistake twice, and are not among the most
forgiving people. You're extremely powerful and
wise, and are capable of fierce pride, passion,
and anger. Perhaps you're this way because you
were forced to survive a rough childhood. Or
maybe you just have a strong grasp on reality
and know that life is tough and the world is
cruel, and it takes strength and independence
to survive it. And independence is your
strongest point - you may care for others, and
even depend on them...but when it comes right
down to it, the only one you need is yourself.
Thus you trust your own intuition, and rely on
a mind almost as brilliant as the fire of your
wings to guide you.You are eternal and because
you have a strong sense of who and what you
are, no one can control your heart or mind, or
even really influence your thinking. A symbol
of rebirth and renewal, you tend to be a very
spiritual person with a serious mind - never
acting immature and harboring a superior
disgust of those who do. Likewise, humanity's
stupidity and tendency to want others to solve
their problems for them frustrates you
endlessly. Though you can be stubborn,
outspoken, and haughty, I admire you greatly.

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

oh friday friday...

WE"RE GOING TO HOOTERS!!! OH YES MY PRECIOUS WE ARE!!!!!!!!!! hehehhehe yay yay yay!! to the sleaziest, the cheesiest!!!!!!! another interesting outing! heheh huzzah huzzah.

yes, im quite excited. :D

it sucks how i only have pink cheeks when

1) its below 10 degrees
2) i drink

i always wanted to have nice rosy cheeks. =/

my day

i just realized im a closet purple fetishist. :P i counted 10 purple items in my room and that's just by glancing around. purple is good tho, its not as cutesy as pink and not as common as blue.

im attempting my chemistry and math while being under the influence. result? well i dunno. feel abit slow tho, slow but happy :) now excuse me, while i sit in the corner and smile.

Sunday, January 25, 2004


To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?
brought to you by Quizilla

oh look! i am elf no more! =)


we are certainly creatures of HABIT. habit habit habit. bah. humbug.

on a brighter note, red packet collection this year is certainly an improvement from last year's miserable one :)

Friday, January 23, 2004


tonight i almost went back to the past. i almost opened up the dusty trunk of memories. my mind was partly awakened, but my heart, it no longer felt a thing. i was this close, this close to regretting. this close to being ambushed by emotion. god i can hear you laughing 'you deserved it you nasty little biatch.' when you read this. that is, if you still read my blog, if you hadnt discarded everything already, torn up presents and photos into shreds...

we could have been the best of friends. we were. if only i had not liked you. but i did and you didnt. im sorry i did that, but i just had to. i dont wish for your forgiveness because to do that is to be weak. i hope you've gotten on fine. i am too, but i dont think youd give a damn.

i liked you too much for us not to be together. i hate losing a friend, but i hate losing myself again. call it fate if you will. i called it that so i dont have to regret, dont have to remember, dont have to hurt again.

i was not a mistake. it was my heart.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

quick, analyse this situation!

what do you do when you're sitting at the computer, facing a pile of banknotes?

put them all in red packets of course. :)

now, what WERE you thinking?

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

if biology lessons were THIS interesting... (not that they arent!)

The class was studying the human reproduction system today when the teacher David decided to indulge us in a bit of unusual trivia.

David: Who knows which specie of animal in the world has the largest sex organ occurring in its males, relative to its size?
Unnamed bio student 1: Danish?
Unnamed bio student 2: I'm quite sure it is Arabic.
David: Uh, close. But it's the barnacles, actually.
Unnamed bio student 1: That's what they call the Danish now?

- taken from suxin's blog.

Sunday, January 18, 2004

may 9th

may 9th is orgasm day in brazil. =D

contrary to popular belief, i dont think we get colder as we age. we merely learn to disguise our fears better, with hold better our anger, and as for holding back our tears, we just become more skillful.

i think i am getting better at all three, especially the latter. the essence of living is such, that freedom is a mark of youth and innocence. to be reserved, controlled, is a mark of death.

split ends

ive started to blog in two blogs. different entries, each. and i seem to be veering towards mod. it seems to me that loyalty and habit are succumbing to novelty. i am so aquarian.

Saturday, January 17, 2004

not another!?

You are going to Marry orlando Bloom. He will
always treat you right and is very romantic. He
will do anything for you. He is very polite and
has deep brown eyes and is very good looking
(which is another plus!). He can make anythind
cheesy look really good (like sliding down
stairs on a shield shooting arrows or wearing
pointy ears for example). Congrats!!

Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (10 results that have pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

oh man... whats this? i do seem to end up with bloom all the time with these quizzes.

the ring(s)

i dont sleep well nowadays. winter in singapore kills me. i sleep fitful naps, waking up cuz my nose is blocked and i cant breathe. headaches screw me up, too. i think i should see the doctor, for i think ive got nasal polyps due to chronic sinus. oh boy. what a disgusting name. its giving me dark eye rings too. not good, not good. i fear i am becoming stupid due to lack of oxygen.

Friday, January 16, 2004


i like to go where none has gone, and yet while im there, its kinda lonely. then again, to have them people use the same things that i do is simply unacceptable. people. when they come, i go.

myself, an ingrate

i have thoughts of abandoning blogger. after 1.5 years of service. does that make me a sinner?

about eventual death

i have this strange, morbid fantasy about death - what follows it, and how i will make my exit from this stage.

Thursday, January 15, 2004

a new blog!

i currently have 3 blogs to my name.. and they are *drum roll*


should i add on to history, or write new ones?

paris hilton

now, how can anyone, anyone at all, be so expensive, and yet so cheap?

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

the pink thing

i didnt get one today
so i died

but its okay cuz i will revive tomorrow.
i hope.

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Cup Of Coffee

You tell me you don't love me over a cup of coffee
And I just have to look away
A million miles between us
Planets crashing to dust
I just let it fade away

I'm walking empty streets hoping we might meet
I see your car parked on the road
The light on at your window
I know for sure that you're home
But I just have to pass on by

So no of course we can't be friends
Not while I'm still this obsessed
I guess I always knew the score
This is how our story ends

I smoke your brand of cigarettes
And pray that you might give me a call
I lie around in bed all day just staring at the walls
Hanging round bars at night wishing I had never been born
And give myself to anyone who wants to take me home

So no of course we can't be friends
Not while I still feel like this
I guess I always knew the score
This is where our story ends

You left behind some clothes
My belly summersaults when I pick them off the floor
My friends all say they're worried
I'm looking far too skinny
I've stopped returning all their calls

And no of course we can't be friends
Not while I'm still so obsessed
I want to ask where I went wrong
But don't say anything at all

It took a cup of coffee
To prove that you don't love me

Thursday, January 08, 2004

People like you becuase you're a sweetheart!
What attracts people to you?

brought to you by Quizilla

oh, really?


oh goodie dumplings. they worked out the DNS problem and now i can access to blogger again! what a wonderful wonderful feeling hehe.

anyways, met up with jy, ser and kai today finally for what seemed like a billlion years!! its been so so long since we saw all four of each other (hmm, my writing's all got double meaning today.. odd) =) it was like the old times at nygh! totally aweeeesome

we had dinner at this place in IMM mall,i hella didnt know that its so huge! i thought it was only a place for krusty old furniture stores hehe. the stuff are Giant are sooo cheap. bought a chocolate cake but forgot all about it, so poor JY had to bring it home and to sch tmrw. =) sowwry!

o yeah, drank some today. hm could it be, my tolerance for alcohol is increasing? i dont get THAT red anymore, and today i upped the alc content to 5.3% weeellll not alot i know, but i couldnt drink rum and wine thanks to some crapass allergy thingy. well, 2 hours from drinking and im still not getting rashes, tho i absolutely reeked in the train. all good. i shall add VENOM to my list of safe alkies =)

more could be desired about the LOCATION at which we drank tho. mcdonalds. how romantic is that? cheesy lights and cold rotating stools. but we needed the ice... =) so cant complain, though camping out there made as seem like outlaws. ho hum. brilliant day nevertheless.

on another note, though im sad things ended this way (you'll kno wut im talking about if you're meant to know) im glad it ended. hehe cheers. another round on jan 27th? in with the new karma!

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

hey there, please email me for new blog url! =) because this blog will be MOVING! tata! EMAIL:


Monday, January 05, 2004

if you really want me to hate you, i will. i do not want to but i will.


due to DNS snafu, i cannot view any of the blogspot blogs. and since i cant even see my posts, im gonna be on hiatus until blogger solves the problem. meanwhile, i'll try to update xanga.

Sunday, January 04, 2004

the age of mankind

p/s: blogger does not seem to be working, so i dunno if this'll get posted. but im gonna write it anyway.

the death of ke shou liang, leslie cheung and anita mui marks the death of an era in chinese entertainment. more importantly though, is the symbolism of their deaths on the state of mankind in the 21st century.

all three were born into poor families and worked very hard to get to where they are right now. yet, with increase in income and fame came not happiness but instead a life more empty than before.

ke died of an alcohol-induced asthma attack, cheung of severe depression, and mui's overworking allowed cancer to take her life. the forms of death so common to modern man have taken even the seemingly ageless celebrities.

our lives are beginning to resemble that of worker bees: we live in hive-like apartments, window-to-window. we work day and night, slaving in hopes of earning more money and this goes on, until the day we die.

as the lights get brighter, we feel more empty. beneath the flashy clothes we wear, the fancy cars are great gaping holes. we are but trees hollowed inside, ready to drop dead. in a desperate attempt to fill in the emptiness of our lives, we turn to vices - smoking, drinking, drugs. we revel in the hallucinating effects of these chemicals, but tomorrow, waking up to hangovers we discover to our dismay that a deeper hole has been gouged within us.

sadly enough, our most precious possessions today are those that we cannot take away. in place of families, we have mountains of money, much of which we do not see. we take pride in looking at the printed arabic figures on our bank books, and in exchange for an extra digit, we gladly throw in our health.

are we but prisoners of our lifestyle, prisoners of pieces of metal and scraps of paper? is that all there is left to be said for mankind?


first day o'school

on the first day of school i relinquished a post. two you if think about it. not that i minded actually giving it to someone else. the very fact that it was mine for the taking for that 15 minutes was good enough. i hated the symbolism of it though. that i was slowly giving up parts of my life here. that i was pulling away. i had the same sensation in anderson, when i decided that i would leave for hcjc. there is a heaviness that i cannot shrug off, because when the first step is taken, the other steps quickly follow. and before long, nothing will be left of me, but the shadow and memories of being.

Saturday, January 03, 2004


Got this list from Ana:

My perfect guy:

Hair color: doesn’t matter
Eyes: doesn’t matter
Height: Tall! At least 3 inches more so I can wear those lovely heels
Six pack: doesn’t matter. Not too much meat tho, that’s icky – and neither too flabby ugh.
Long or short hair: shortish, not TOO long
Piercings: I like my guy not too holy..
Scars: well none too obvious I guess heh. Not a big deal tho
Bit butt or little: HMM hehee never thought of it
Straight teeth, gap, or braces: straight teeth, braces okay. Im particular about teeth!
Outgoing or shy: knows when to be each!
Sarcastic or sincere: I don’t like sarcastic guys. They get on my nerves
Should he have a best friend: why not?
Should he have a lot of girl friends: a lot? Nope. unless if he has more guy friends than girls.
Should he love his mother: oh hell yea!
Should he watch girl movies: why not? They’re good! Think spirited away! Hehe

Be a smoker: NOO NEVER. Hate smokers.
Drink: not too much. Occasional is fine
Swear: not to me!
Play with your hair: don’t care
Kiss on the first date: it depends
Bring you flowers: I don’t like fresh flowers cuz they die. Its kinda sad.
Lay under the stars with you: hey I love stars too! Hehe
Write poetry about you: not too many. Many would be scary…
Call you honey, sweetie, or baby: I don’t really care..
Hang out with you and YOUR friends: YUH!!
Walk to you to the door at the end: end of what?
Hold your hand: :D
Sing to you: hehe heck yes!

Soccer: don’t care
Baseball: all good, cept for the tights!
Basketball: oh YEAH! I could play with him haha.
Football: football is good stuff! Very masculine ;)
Waterpolo: oh I don’t mind!
Surf: haha what do you think?
Skateboard: nothing against that
Snowboarding: oooh
Singing: that’s fine =)
Play guitar: or any instrument really. Has to know how to play at least one tho OR have a keen interest.
Play piano: hey why not? Concertos are nice!
Play drums: hehe that’s good, too!
Clean his room: ah, no matter that.
Paint, draw, sculpt: doesn’t matter..
Writes his own music: OH THATLL BE THE DAY!

p/s: hey girls! do this list too!!! hehehe =) i wanna @@

Friday, January 02, 2004

the not-so-enticing things to do when you're 18 and female

1) PAP smear (believe me, you wouldnt want to know the procedures that i just read about)

2) mammogram (why is it, to sustain health one has to do away with dignity???)

ARGHHHHHHHH suddenly, i dont want to turn 18! EVER!!

Wilkommen Sie, 2004!!

oh hello! it is a belated welcome, but a welcome nevertheless. as you dip cautiously into the pool of chronological history, be sure to stick by the following rules:

1) bring along with you more events of joy than sadness, more peace than war
2) take away with you less lives - instead, welcome more, and finally,
3) don't plunge straight in. take your time to enter the water bit by tiny bit. or else, before you know it, 2005 will be upon you.

this year i wish to accomplish the following:

1) get into a good taiwan university (preferably National Taiwan University)
2) not lose any friend due to lack of correspondence
3) DILIGIENTLY DO ALL SCHOOL WORK and utilize effectively all economics periods for the studying of math in chinese
4) learn a useful skill. any skill.
5) continue practising german, piano, and other instruments (of which german is not)
6) tone uppity up. (yes, december was awful)
7) buy a french bikini and WEAR IT OUT (notice the relation between 7 and 8)
8) maintain flexibility
9) GET SCOOTER LICENSE (oh yeah baby)
10) legally purchase alcohol. (getting flat drunk is optional)
11) gather up courage to do something that ive wanted to do for a long time, but never had the heart to do... (maybe jie you know this)

2003 in Summary.

The clock has struck 12:00 once again and another year is upon us. Every year simply flies, but that’s to look forward to because it means that we’re still young! The past year (2003) has been a most unorthodox, both academically and situation-wise.

First of all, 2003 was a milestone year, not only for me, but for all people my age, for it marks the beginning of the final phase of formal education so to speak. We all had to leave the comforting environment of secondary school that we were so familiar with, and venture into a new compound, having to make friends all over again, and getting used to the new lecture system.

I first heard that I was getting into Anderson Junior College for the first three months while I was in Taiwan. Not a surprise, since I placed it as my first choice. I guess the reason behind my choosing that school is because, having been at the Bukit Timah region for 10 years, I was truly sick of the surroundings, not to mention the Coronation food. Also, I earned to see more unfamiliar faces, as although having people around you whom you know since primary school is a blessing in itself, it sometimes does get quite monotonous.

Initially I was quite uncomfortable in the heartland environment – the people, they seemed uncouth and quite rowdy. Not that those are necessarily bad qualities, but I was simply just not used to it. However, along the way, I met a lot of interesting people, namely Amir (roll the ‘r’s!), Vanayak (Smith), Edwin (the Takashi Kaneshiro looky-likey cum hello dude), Shuming (Jay Chou fanatic) and Nabilah (gosh I miss her hearty laugh). Amir, Vanayak and Nabilah especially made Orientation a lot more fun, with their totally insane antics and hilarious jokes. Edwin too was incredibly sweet, the way he’d run over to wave hello every time I was in the vicinity. Oh, and did I mention, he’s a KILLER at tennis too? Hehe.

I had the fortune to be grouped in one of the most cooperative and fun class, 1103. Despite all of us being Chinese, we had a great variety of people, from all different walks of life. It is there that I got to know different problems people faced. Usually in NYGH people worry about not being able to get into the top colleges, but over there in AJC the worry is that they will end up in polytechnics. A different world, truly, but beautiful nevertheless. We had a class gang too, the Meh-Meh Gang (think sheep). Sie Yieh was the ever-amused lao-da, and I was the artistic director.

My best friends during the entire time in AJC were Keitmin and Ho Kuen. It was hilarious how the few words Keitmin and I exchanged initially suddenly exploded into long talks after she discovered that I could speak mandarin. We were Siamese Twins, Keitmin and I, doing everything together and after getting to know Ho Kuen, a happy threesome. We’d sneak into the computer labs during lesson for a hearty game for Neopets. Now, this happens during economics lectures and tutorials because Miss Cat has no idea what she talks about most of the time.

We also had our little class drama. Mr Toh, our form teacher, had a great argument with Mei Mei, the class belle over the issue of hair-dyeing. In fact, at one point Mei Mei was suspended, and it was only through sheer persuasion that we managed to get her back into school. What was really irritating, however, was that Mr Toh was an avid supporter of Mr Chen Water Flat, and would insult Mr Horsey during his lessons, which, obviously, got Joling and I mighty fed up. One day it was so bad that we shouted back at him and stormed out of class. Not that he could do anything about it of course!

After the first three months, I transferred to HCJC (the top JC in Singapore no less, hah!) and begin the entire process of making new friends, getting to know new people. Although I was not offered a leadership role in the college orchestra due to my being a second-intaker, I still pretty much enjoyed being part of the best Chinese orchestra in Singapore (JC-level) =) We don’t just make music folks, we LIVE it! Getting to know the new class 03S71 was also a blessing – I am glad to have gotten to know this new group of people, very different, but yet so alike.

Then came the rampage of exams and tests. Which is pretty much self-explanatory, especially if you are from HCJC yourself. I believe the details will only bore everyone, if not reduce me to a writing, hair-plucking mess. So for the well-being of all, I will skip it. Just for the books, I got promoted! Now isn’t that just wonderful?

Now, in terms of new experiences, 2003 certainly had much to offer. Within the period of one year, I volunteered at the Bird Park, Family Day, helped organize a concert for disabled teens with the class, sold flags, looked for a job, taught piano, tutored English, and sold uniforms! Not to mention that I made more new friends this year than the past few years =) Also, I spent Christmas in Singapore for the first time, and oh yes, was made part time cook and maid for 3 weeks. Oh, and ROTK was this year too, and Pilifire! I remembered a few more things earlier on, but they all slipped my mind at this moment. Ah well.

In many ways 2003 could have been a better year, but in many other ways it was perfect. Admittedly, it is one of my worst years, but on the other hand, it means that 2004 will be better! It has got to be, for this year I will turn a merry 18 (after which ageing occurs) and take part in the various hazardous-to-health symbol-of-age rituals! Go back to Taiwan! Enter University! Learn to move on gasoline! Whoopeeedoooooooo.

The Not-Quite-SO-Girly Shoutouts!

Serena: I know perhaps our knowledge of each other has faltered throughout the year due to us being in different college, but I hope (and believe!) our friendship still remains strong! And ever will be… because you’re a truly great friend to have. If there’s anything in 2003 that made you unhappy, may it be better this year! Away with heinous bitches and fake socialites! PS: I WILL WRITE TO YOU ASAP!!

JieYing: HEYYY! Old buddy old pal! I so enjoy the convos we have almost every day without fail in school. Class bench chatter is always the most conducive for digging gossips (although I officially retire) and sharing, wouldn’t you say? Our shopping trips have also been quite quite successful (remember the $50 day?) although our shop search didn’t quite make the cut hehe. Glad we found out more about each other through those lovely letters! I think you’ll like what I got for your pressie… may I give it to you earlier? Hehe.

S&J&Kai: WE MUST MUST MUST GO ON A TRIP TOGETHER AGAIN! Genting was so fun… I really miss those days of secondary 1 bunking too… do you all remember?

Sharon: Ahoy matey! Loved the shoe-shopping we did today, though we only got flipflops. Hehe. Girl you are totally crazzzy about mules! =) Please do buy that lovely pair of strappies at Americana! Awesome being in the same class as you – you are just too nice!! Hehe be EVIL!! @@ Oh yeah, and don’t let certain matters get you down. Remember that those people are only pit stops in your life’s journey… squat, let lose and continue on with a load less heavy! Hehehe oh my, would that make it into the book of new phrases?

Janice: AHMA!!! Hehee. We call you that because we love and respect you =) Dedicated and focused.. aw what can I say? The super woman of tomorrow, friendly fellow librarian of today. Love ya! And oh, arghh we do need to work on internet communication!

Mich: ive never met a girl as full as grrrl power as you! Superb stuff! And the way you do your homework in one hour – how on EARTH did you accomplish that??? Hehe. Its so nice to have you as my friend! =) Yay! Onward to high quality men lol =)

All: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in response

when all of you ask me 'is that me you are referring to?' i wonder what is it in your minds that you all are thinking. and how come three people replied to an entry that was only meant for one. are we all drifting apart?

Thursday, January 01, 2004

always there is, a reason

i should probably be finishing up my yards of chemistry homework. but my braincells they have escaped. out of fear of annihilation perhaps. while awaiting the news of their capture i will let you ponder about this:

there is a reason,
why my blog lost its shine,
its fancy costume

there is reason,
why in the links column,
there is none


one can only speak of the things that in the heart have grown cold.
im beginning to think that it is true.


i don't remember so clearly now, why we got along so well. was it because you always made me laugh, or is it because you always made me cry? there is no longer any channel between us on which old dreams and desires float. our conversation, like the stream in drought, has gone dry.

"humans are animals of habit more than animals of instinct." there are days when i still look for you, but only out of habit. i am but a compulsive smoker, with you as my cigarette - toxic, carcinogenic, addictive. with the gift of shortlived joy you mask yourself. while it is you that burn, it is i that die.

a call! oh yes my precious, a call!!

oh my gosh my cousin hsiang-ling (shan-rin in jap) rang me today!!! ahh im totally ecstatic cuz ive not seen/talked to her since we were both 13!!! this is amazing! =) after 5 years in japan she's almost forgotten all her mandarin hehe, so has this cool jappy accent now!

she's 1.75m tall and is right now modelling in japan and waiting to get japanese citizenship. now THAT is so so cool. hehe she never did like to study and used to always play truant so now im so happy for her cuz she's found her niche, and doing something she loves.

can't wait to see her again! hehe she has to stay in japan for one more year but will be free to travel after that! oh goodie goodie... i think i'll get to visit her in japan! lol

ah 2004 is looking gooooooood. oh yes it is!