Friday, December 22, 2006

wednesday without worries

<- i flirted shamelessly with jack, but to no avail. his lady dear was way too charming.

this wednesday saw my friends and i skipping out of school. fresh, crisp winter air in lieu of boring chemistry lab. what is there not to like? :P

we visited the taipei story house, gawked at the hideous remake of a rich man's tudor house, went all silly on the amputated bit of railroad, and fingered all around a particular museum artwork before we saw the "please do not touch" sign. heh. topped the day off with a nice spicy japanese curry meal. give me singapore curry anyday, tho! :)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


this blog will see more photoblogging.

and this i promise!

I Missed His Book, But I Read His Name

Though authors are a dreadful clan
To be avoided if you can,
I'd like to meet the Indian,
M. Anantanarayanan.

I picture him as short and tan.
We'd meet, perhaps, in Hindustan.
I'd say, with admirable elan,
"Ah, Anantanarayanan --

I've heard of you. The Times once ran
A notice on your novel, an
Unusual tale of God and Man."
And Anantanarayanan

Would seat me on a lush divan
And read his name -- that sumptuous span
Of 'a's and 'n's more lovely than
"In Xanadu did Kubla Khan" --

Aloud to me all day. I plan
Henceforth to be an ardent fan
of Anantanarayanan --
M. Anantanarayanan.

-- John Updike