Tuesday, August 16, 2005

fucked up piece of hardware

bought this USB flash disk at NUS bazaar the other day to get songs from V's laptop. managed to squeeze like a gazillion songs onto it and uploaded em all into the comp. sounds good right? yup. and so i tried to do the same on S's computer by plugging it into the USB port in front of the comp. but hey guess what? the FUCKING USB MELTED! that's nearly 70 fucking bucks down the drain and boy am i VERY PISSED. guess when they say stop piracy they DO mean it big time.

#$%$#&^$%^*& dont buy that fucked up USB flash disk from NUS please, lousy piece of crap! either that or i had better avoid S's computer ports =S

Sunday, August 14, 2005


hi all!

amidst all the crazy packing and endless appointments, with the exception of the actual packing, im here blogging again! (and being late for tuition, really)

uhm uhm i have finally uploaded the numerous photos in my cellphone onto the comp, which means that with luck they'll soon find their way on this blog.. been wanting to make a photo blog for ages but didnt have the correct equipment NOR time to make it work. so hopefully now it'll finally materialize -fingers crossed-.

yeah ok gotta go now for my last tuition and gymnastics session in a long long time. bahhh. stupid parents.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

late night bites

the beginning of the ghost festival and im feeling peckish. :P

well, i got my last pay installment for a long long time and collected my testimonial at Kelly's and got my good-job vouchers so that's the end of one chapter.

really sucks to be going away so soon. it seems... surreal. ive not started packing yet and everything's still in a mess. but i dont want to leave =( i dont want to go to that friggin place with all its friggin rules, not even for a year. i wanna stay here with my best friends and marc in ye olde NUS doing what i like best.

bahhh. so weird tho, cuz ever since i was 15, i wanted to go overseas so bad. but now i really dont wanna go. everything's just.. so perfect here. ive got someone i love, wonderful friends, gymnastics, psychology, and a sorta permanent job... and now its all going away! =(


i cant wait to come back. hope you'll wait for me honey.