its driving me nuts!
ive began taking driving lessons for two weeks, and already i can see my future as a chronic car-wrecker. heh. i tend to accelerate way too fast and my left foot rests upon the clutch like a ton of bricks. i pity my training car! everytime i fire it up it sputters and shakes like it has indigestion. im pretty sure one day i'll become the crash dummy animation...
well when i finally get my leaden foot off the clutch, it starts getting bored and will then proceed to press on the brake. which obviously drives my trainer nuts. heh. NO! NO LEFT FOOT ON BRAKE!!! he almost squeals. hehe i want to laugh, but i know it wouldnt be wise.
and i refuse to let him steer... i dont know, but nervous energy makes my fingers cling onto the steering wheel with a DeathGrip (tm). heh aye.. you never know your hidden powers until a time of crisis. i mentally make a note to relax, but you know how those tings are, telling yourself to relax is only a crude reminder to your body that you are nervous, and from there it snowballs. hehe.
ive developed a penchant for speeding up the hill though.. it gives me an adrenaline rush, albeit only at 20km/hour. maybe i'll be a stuntwoman in the future or something.
bah. oh well i guess id better concentrate on gear changes first!