30hr famine
is over! the whole event went better than expected, and the appreciation voiced by the 100 odd crowd that attended the 2-day famine camp made all the hard work worthwhile. almost. :P
i met an old friend from AMSA at the camp, although it took me just a litttleee long to recognize who he was. my group members were great, and we were one of the very few groups with all members present! so much was our surplus of members that we -loaned- some out to other poorly represented groups.
my lucky stars were definitely hard at work yesterday, because the war games i am in charge of actually went great, despite the fact that it would be even better had we more time to spare. but hey, time is a luxury in a camp involving so many people, so all in all im just glad its over without much ado! and from what i hear, the people had fun too, so.. whee!
post-starvation dinner was a night out at the neighborhood's western-food place, named a curious Table 6. Perhaps because we counted only six tables. The 30 of us made a clean sweep of their free flow salad bar that would make a swarm of locusts flop to the ground in shame. we felt a tad bit sorry for the owner, who grudgingly kept up with our speedy gastronomic escapades, all the time shaking his head at the empty plates that we left behind. i swear, towards the end of the night, the owner's eyes were flooding with sheer terror!
of course, i couldnt resist all that food, so i merrily went on and ate my fill of two days' worth of calories -grin-. speaking of which, i wasnt really hungry throughout the 30hr famine, maybe because they offered us a delightful variety of sponsored drinks (soyabean milk & guava juice) as sustenance throughout the event. i figured that if i were to be on a liquid diet, i could actually go on for quite some time!
-yawn- im currently a little too tired to continue with this expository, so i guess i'll just leave it as it is and continue another day.