i rather like the idea of posting up a photo that's related to the entry i am about to write. gives it more
dimension, i suppose.
so there i was, last friday, once again in the familiar TSGH, surrounded by neonates. but this time it was different. the patients were chinese and so were the medical staff hovering nervously around.
under the direction of the doctor-in-charge, we carried out a series of psychomotor tests on the two babies who happened to be baking under the heating lamp when we got there. big one baby and thin one baby, prof. rudnicki would have said. i miss him, i really do. while the doctor did a good job listing out the details we should look out for, there was an obvious lack of passion for his job. don't get me wrong, the professional aspect were all on the spot, but i couldnt help but compare how he didnt take care to introduce himself to the patient through the
little things, such as warming up the diaphragm of the stethoscope before placing on the baby's chest. and yet it is the small things that make all the difference between impersonal medical treatment and medical CARE.
looking at their wrinkled sleeping faces, i couldnt' help but wonder what sort of person this little child that im examining now would turn out to be. his life is still so clean a slate, with so many opportunities, so many possibilities. but yet, already, some things are already pre-determined, that will separate this big baby from his neighbor at the ward.
how are their families like? are they both well-to-do? any siblings? what lies ahead for these little sleepy-heads? will they breeze through life successful? will they have a good career, with children of their own? or will they grow up to be criminals? murderers? perverts, maybe?
our lives crossed on that friday afternoon, when you sucked on my finger, made my body tingle. you took note of my existence that day, when i caressed your little ovoid belly and heard your heartbeat. but then that is where we say goodbye, for you wont remember me, and i will not recognize you.
still, i wish for you babies all the best. go forth, develop and learn, grow healthy and strong, for the world is your oyster and it's out there waiting.
Labels: chew on it. nom nom.