the power of duct tapes. and someday, that guy would break out of his cocoon a beautiful butterfly. sweet.

The seventh year itch
the power of duct tapes. and someday, that guy would break out of his cocoon a beautiful butterfly. sweet.
good lord. its monday evening already. but still the week isnt going fast enough. i absolutely cannot wait for this weekend to come!!! rawwwrr!! its good to be home early tho. i slept my head off this afternoon despite the sun. lovely.
its been raining every day recently... and i thought summers were supposed to be dry? anyho, i am hecka enjoying the daily downpours! they drag the temperature down and makes everything nice and gloomy. all right!!
Diverting from studying right now... too much chemistry can make you turn into a nutcase. Anyways, i was watching the special segment of the taiwanese news channel yesterday night. the 2300 news dedicates 5 minutes of its slot to showcasing the lives of needy children in taiwan. (they even have a short clip of jay chou singing 'snail')
want some gore? check this page out : happy tree friends - where cute, happy animal friends meet less than pleasant ends. my brother and his lttle friends absolutely enjoyed it =)
how on EARTH do you make sense out of Aufbau's rule?? How do you arrange those hokey electrons into their stupid quantum shells (Sharp, Principle, Diffused, F, no less) isnt 2,8,7 enough?? why why why do you require 2S1, 2S2, 2P4 whatever?? i dont see the pattern! will someone please help help help me!!
i cannot BELIEVE this. both mom and bro actually enjoyed The Hulk, green, haichi-maichi and all... not to mention the dopey purple loincloth. its such an incredibly gay movie!! well, my mom enjoyed the scenery (she loved it when the green thing leapt from valley to valley). argh. lets just say that i have zero appreciation for ang lee movies. Hero was so much better than Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
argh.. midyears' only a week away! and i've not started on biology and chemistry. i'm so dead. yikes. gotta start mugging now!
JESUS CHRIST!!!! i will never touch booz ever again. out with red wine too. i'll stick to vodka. i've learnt my lesson... now please, take that rash away!!!!!!!!!!
currently trying to learn Spanish Romance on guitar. its soooo friggin hard! @@ bleah. i'm going to master it no matter what tho =)
pulled an all-nighter on tuesday at the class chalet, and have yet to fully recover. ugh. no way i'm doing that again! it took me about 15 times to make up my mind, and actually, i'm glad i stayed on. there was some alcohol, but it was all good, cuz no one overdid it. i hate the way i turn bright red when i drink. i'm allergic to something in BOOZ too - just like the last time i had red wine. apparently, its cuz of the histamines and tannins that 'naturally occur' (to quote from some website) nothing happened when i had VK, but BOOZ.. sigh. i'm not doing that again - rash sucks big time! @@
man i'm so bummed. been sitting at the comp for the whole day. i'm getting comp-wrists, whatever that means. been downloading a hecka lot of stuffs from kazaa. if you havent downloaded kazaa, go do it right now! its puts the marvel in marvelous mp3 downloads. heh. elva hsiao sounds so good with blue too. i know its old, but then i've not been listening to the radio for about 2 years, so you should be surprised that i even know of that song =)
i'm recently beginning to loathe orchestra rehearsals. i've not been attending the past 5 rehearsals, due to myself having extra lessons in school. i dont feel like attending those rehearsals anymore anyhow. cuz they're not doing anything new, and i really really need to study for block test. argh. can't wait for finals to be over!
wow those aussies are way messed up kaier... i'm all for you throwing your onion rings at them, much as you would love to keep them for your own consumption. so what if they are white?? its like deep south down under!
my xanga site is ruby. all ruby, with white fonts. i think i still prefer blogger though xanga is so much more userfriendly. blogger's more.. direct. =D plus i like seeing my entry appear in a box with plenty of room!
in a bid to attract tourists to thailand, the government has decided to offer a US$100,000 compensation for the deceased should the unfortunate person pass away from SARS within 30 days of his/her visit to thailand. the government also offers up to US$10,000 to cover hospitalization costs.
hey. that picture looks freaky! @@ i shall not look at it. hehe. gotta post more to get that out of sight. now you know why i stay out of the sun! anyways. wow i think its time i redid the blog layout - this one isnt too good when you wanna post pictures.. which certainly seems like the trend now at my blog! =)
"who wants to go see "the hulk"? he's a damn green retard with a friggin hobo style purple loin cloth/exploded purple pants thing almost like tarzan. i also heard they had a really low budget. probably just took joaquin and threw him into an aquarium of green paint"
WHOO HOO!! here's another round of a mighty survey!! =) *high w/o drink*
hmm. rough sketch for faculty shirt. comments, anyone? i kno the coronavirus looks a little strangled =)
hmm i'm not entirely comfortable with placing my photos on this site. will leave them here for awhile and then transfer them somewhere else =) meanwhile, enjoy away!
here are two class photos...
looking at things from a different perspective
i was supposed to be good and return home real early to catch up on some homework. but obviously that didnt happen, cuz mich and i decided not to go for the kickboxing class. instead, jy and i made a quickie call to s for dinner in town. we had pasta and pizza for dinner, and got jacked by the cashier. she was supposed to give us a 30% discount, but didnt. the ass. anyho.