Saturday, February 28, 2004

on hiatus

in anticipation of term exam. be back soon!

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

we man

we lead a very unnatural existence. if you think about it, drinking milk of other animals is indeed a freakish affair. the fact that its from a domestic animal doesnt make it any better. its the equivalent of drinking the milk of a dog, a cat, a gazelle even. do you see animals drinking others' milk? noooo. its little wonder that cancer is so widespread nowadays. and anyway, cow milk only makes you grow PHYSICALLY, and do absolutely nothing for your brain, for the simple reason that you do not need that much brain to survive as a cow.

good thing i dont take milk. but then there is cheese, and yoghurt and butter... another reason why dieting is healthy. :D

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

happy birthday to blog

the blog (in case you havent noticed the subtle) has JUST turned 18. i guess i cannot scratch fanatically at 17 forever :) plus, it is not nice to lie...

in the shoes of another

if i dream hard enough, maybe you will come to life
if i love hard enough, maybe you will turn to me

if i diet long enough, maybe you will walk towards me
if i exercise long enough, maybe you will reach out for me

if i change my personality enough, maybe you will adore me
if i change my looks enough, maybe you will love me

my dreams give you life,
but yet you take away mine.

i write!

i write!
i write again!
i write once more!


when the ball comes flying, dodge.

yesterday saw my finger do its own version of gymnastics-on-the-court. it did a 90 degrees backward bend for a full difficulty score. but it wasnt that brilliant and for its short moment of glory, (and inflated ego) i hurt. :( my finger now bears the scars of war - red and angry. it wears it proudly like a badge. i probably shouldnt burst its bubble for it hasnt had its moment this year at all. horrors.

Monday, February 23, 2004

catch me!

as kenny succintly put it, im lonely. thats the truth, right smack on the bull's eye. its been so long since.. you know wut it is. i dream sometimes, gazing out into the murky blanket that is night. about what it could be, what it might be, what IF it had been. but then i wake up and am jolted back to my senses by boisterous declarations of 'DEUTSCH DEUTSCH DEUTSCH!!!!!' suddenly i am a student once more, with my bum squashed against hard plastic, marching towards the certain death that schoolwork promises. that all and with no one to love me.

i am told to transcend, to leap into the embrace of nirvada. but sometimes its just too damn hard. especially since that song is now on repeat play.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

again, 18

i dont know what to say, perhaps i like you, perhaps i dont.

funny, the things that you do. so ambivalent, so eclectic.

i think perhaps it is not i that you like

im not that sort, nor you my type.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Die Prinzen – Deutschland (2001)

Natürlich hat ein Deutscher "Wetten, dass" erfunden.
Naturally a German invented ''Bet that''
Vielen Dank für die schönen Stunden.
Many thanks for the beautiful hours
Wir sind die freundlichsten Kunden auf dieser Welt.
We are the friendlist customers of this world
Wir sind bescheiden - wir haben Geld.
We are modest - we have money
Die Allerbesten in jedem Sport.
We are the very best in each sport
Die Steuern hier sind Weltrekord.
The tax here are of world record
Bereisen sie Deutschland und bleiben sie hier.
They travel to Germany and stay here
Auf diese Art von Besuchern warten wir.
Of these visitors we will wait
Es kann jeder hier wohnen, dem es gefällt.
Everyone can live here, for it is pleasing
Wir sind das freundlichste Volk auf dieser Welt.
We are the friendliest folk of this world.
Nur eine Kleinigkeit ist hier verkehrt.
Only one trifle thing is wrong
Und zwar, dass Schumacher keinen Mercedes fährt.
To be precise, that Schumacher does not drive a Mercedes

Das alles ist Deutschland - das alles sind wir.
This all is Germany - this is all are we
Das gibt es nirgendwo anders - nur hier nur hier.
This is not given anywhere else - only here only here
Das alles ist Deutschland - das sind alle's wir. Wir leben und wir sterben hier.
This all is Germany - this is all are we. We live and we die here.

Es bilden sich viele was auf Deutschland ein.
Germany is conceited
Und mancher findet es geil, ein Arschloch zu sein.
And many find it it great to be an asshole
Es gibt manchen der sich gern über Kanaken beschwert.
It gives many the joy of complaining about Kanaken (have no idea wut on earth that is)
Und zum ficken jedes Jahr nach Thailand fährt.
And to travel every fucking year to Thailand
Wir lieben unsere Autos mehr als unsere Frau'n.
We love our cars more than our ladies
Denn deutschen Autos können wir vertrau'n.
Because one can trust German cars
Gott hat die Erde nur einmal geküsst.
God kissed earth only once
Genau an dieser Stelle, wo jetzt Deutschland ist.
Only right here, where Germany now is
Wir sind überall die besten - natürlich auch im Bett.
We are best at everything - naturally also in bed
Und zu Hunden und Katzen besonders nett.
And to dogs and cats particularly nice

Das alles ist Deutschland - das alles sind wir.
Das gibt es nirgendwo anders - nur hier nur hier.
Das alles ist Deutschland - das sind alle's wir. Wir leben und wir sterben hier.

Wir sind besonders gut im Auf-die-Fresse-hau'n,
We are especially good in hunger strikes
auch im Feuerlegen kann man uns vertrau'n.
One can also trust us in fire extinguishers
Wir steh'n auf Ordnung und Sauberkeit.
We stand of order and cleanliness
Wir sind jederzeit für 'nen Krieg bereit.
We are ready for war any time
Schönen Gruß an die Welt, seht es endlich ein.
Kind regards to the world - see it (Germany) finally
Wir können stolz auf Deutschland... SCHWEIN!
We can proudly (say) of Germany... PIG!

Das alles ist Deutschland - das alles sind wir.
Das gibt es nirgendwo anders - nur hier nur hier.
Das alles ist Deutschland - das sind alle's wir. Wir leben und wir sterben hier.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Blast Action Heroes - Beginner

oh god. i really want this album. but i cant find it in singapore, cuz its a german album. so go tower records or hmv or something, you say. yessiree! but it costs SG 61.50. aw shucks. you kno wut, i might just go ahead and buy it...

Saturday, February 14, 2004

again, valentines!

i didnt send him a card this year, and i didnt send him a card this year.

i didnt send him a card this year because we have lost each other. i didnt send him a card this year because i dont know how he would react. im not too sure about how i feel, either.

oh well, looks like a year without vday cards :)

yes, perhaps i should take your happy invitation and pay you a huggy visit. (:

Thursday, February 12, 2004

when sleep's too much for me

my keyboard is losing its nuts. the apostrophe key has gone on holiday...

i STILL (yes, still) have not done my homework since i last posted about non-technical homework, which was monday. so i think all the bucking ups have gone to waste. still, i will start on homework today, though right now i have a throbbing headache. i think i need to sleep... as always. i hope i catch mono. at least then i'll have an legitimate excuse for feeling sleepy all the time. 3 months of excusable sleep sounds like a very tempting deal...

on a lighter (more energised) note, we will be doing floorball tomorrow. wutever that is. from wut ive heard of it it sounds like another version of hockey. now THAT is bad news. last time we played hockey back at good old good old we had alot of shin injuries because people simply werent good at the sport. also, yesterday i came in 49th in the annual xcountry run. best ever ranking! quite quite pleased... :)

however, i got videotaped and my photo taken of me with my funky half-shawl (read: wet white towel) trying desperately to stay out of the sun. it did not work, i assure you. my nose is about to peel. but that, of course, is the least of the problems. wait till the next school newsletter comes out. i'll betcha bottoms my hilarious (albeit entirely embarrassing) photo will be up there for all to laugh ALONG with (private joke). i reckon i should migrate just about now.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

bloody incompetence.

the effing school computer system. if they want us to spend a day slaving in front of the computer, absorbing horrific UV rays, they better make sure their server is COMPETENT. i spent hours on this nonsense and wut happens? my work gets DELETED cuz i tried (oh silly me) to SAVE it. what major bullshit. and all that after waiting my butt off in front of the computer, waiting for the stupid questions to LOAD. now i will wait no more and go off to bed.

and no, ive not done ANY of the IVLE. so bite me.

i did, however, post a complaint. :)

Sunday, February 08, 2004


this is horrible. i have whiled away the entire weekend, and now, at 10:50pm sunday night, with math tutorial incomplete i am STILL blogging. its like a compulsive problem, me wasting time doing nothing of the slightest importance. not even watching tv. i just, well, sleep the day away and read.. and eat.

i tell myself i will get to work on saturday. but then saturday rolls along and i am pooped from the horrific cha cha lesson. my thighs ache like an elephant sat on it, and THEN jumped a few. now i know why dance sport is called dance SPORT. gosh. so i go home like a ragdoll and have a nap. oops its time for dinner! and piano! i have to practice my piano. wut? 12 so soon? time for a quick read and bed. and so concludes saturday.

and come sunday (today), mom brought me out for breakfast. after much dilly-dallying, courtesy of my brother, we returned only at 11 am. after which i decided to cut up a pig's heart (since it costs only 1 dollar to purchase) and then invariably found myself in a comatose state for the next 2 hours. and THEN my brother insisted that i play basketball with him, then dinner was served, and here i am. hmm.

i really need to start studying for block test, university entrance, and straighten up my schoolwork (especially in vectors of which i know nought). its very tiresome, to be behind on academic matters, cuz they just usually snowball. bleah.

time to buck up and have my ass kicked. speaking of which, i got to go now, for tomorrow's breakfast i have to make.

modblog is losing its tight-knit beauty. thanks to the establishment of blogs by a certain group of PEOPLE. ew.

Monday, February 02, 2004

What's Your Problem? Find out @ She's Crafty

that's happy :)

on death

death is a beautiful thing. it strips away all pretenses, throws away all differences.

in death we are all the same. there wouldnt be discrimination because of the color of our skin and the height of our noses, simply because in death, they dont exist.

my modblog

visiting others' modblogs while still signed in is somewhat analogous to leaving footprints in wet concrete. they stay there forever.

my modblog:

Sunday, February 01, 2004

l'more che ti do e per l'more che non sai che mi fai naufragare

= the more that I give to you and for the more that you do not know that you make me to be shipwrecked