Because I was Bored
004. Zodiac Sign - aquarius
005. Shoe Size - six-ish
006. Height - 5 ft 9 going on 10
007. Eyes - dark brown
008. Pets - virile fish
009. Siblings - a younger brother
011. Hair - black with queer red strands
012. Hair Length - long.
013. Have You Ever Dyed Your Hair? - yup
014. Are You Good In School? - i try hard, so i am
019. Nicknames - chee, chewy, kiwi.
020. Do You Play Sports? - not competitively. basketball, gymnastics, netball, the works, and dance sport.
021. Are You A Night Or Morning Person? - night
022. Are You Ticklish? - everywhere, yes.
023. Do You Believe In God? - He is there if you believe in Him.
024. What's Your Screen Name? - victoria, gothess
025. Do You Have Braces? - nope. i wanna, tho.
026. Do You Have Glasses? - yup.
027. What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? - toned and slim. someone successful.
028. What Was The Worst Day Of Your Life? - there isnt a particular one.
029. What Are The Best Days Of Your Life? - winter of 2001
030. What Comes First In Your Life? - myself.
031. Do You Have A Boyfriend/Girlfriend? - no.
032. What Are You Most Scared Of? - people i love dying.
033. What Do You Usually Think Of Before You Go To Bed? - random unmentionable things.
034. If You Could Be Anything Without Consequences, What Would You be? - paris hilton, just for awhile to see how low is low.
035. Movies - mona lisa smile, LOTR. thats all i remember.
036. Band/Group/Artist - garbage, jay, eminem
037. Store - feminine
038. Relative - cousins
039. Sport - (to watch, to partake in) gymnastics.
040. Vacation Spot - i havent been to enough places to decide.
041. Ice Cream Flavor - dont like ice cream. anything berry should be good tho.
042. Fruit - honey dew. assortment of berries.
043. Candy - dont like candy.
044. Car - silver bmw convertible
045. Class - dance/music/language
046. Holiday - christmas, for the cold, sparkles and carols.
047. Day Of The Week - saturday
048. Color - i invariably find myself in possession of one too many purple items.
049. Magazine - seventeen.
050. Name For A Girl - nicole. because it sounds good.
051. Name For A Boy - christian, after christian
052. Sports Team - the underdog.
053. Month - winter.
054. Animal - the horse. actually, i dunno.
055. Saying - none in particular.
056. Word - traume (deutsch)
057. Room In Your House - my room. i dont own a house.
058. Concert You Have Been To - sun. oh god. :(
059. Meat - cooked.
060. Pizza Topping - cheese.
061. State - high.
062. City - taipei
063. Feeling - orgasmic. pain, in moderate doses.
064. College - hwa chong junior college
065. Number - 2. its the number of my life.
066. Book - the portrait of an artist, as an old man
067. Cereal - muesli
In The Past 24 Hours Have You...
068. Had A Serious Talk? - yes. somewhat.
069. Hugged Someone? - nope.
070. Fought With A Friend? - nope.
071. Cried? - yes.
072. Laughed? - yes.
073. Made Someone Laugh? - yep.
074. Bought Something? - yup, and cried.
075. Flirted With Someone? - no.
076. Felt Stupid? - yes.
077. Talked To Someone You Love? - yes.
078. Missed Someone? - yes.
Have You Ever...
080. Eaten An Entire Box Of Oreos? - no, they dont come in boxes.
081. Kissed Someone? - yes.
082. Ever Worn Black Nail Polish? - yep.
083. Stayed Home On Saturday Night, Just Because? - yep.
084. Have You Ever Died? - all the time.
085. Seen The White House? - nope. ive seen houses of other colors, tho.
086. Seen The Eiffel Tower? - in pictures.
087. Drank Alcohol? - yes.
088. Played Monopoly? - yep.
089. Ever Seen A Ghost? - no, dont intend to.
090. Tried A Weight Loss Program? - no particularly
091. Jumped On A Trampoline? - yep.
092. Colored In A Coloring Book (And Had Fun)? - yep.
093. Had A Bubble Bath? - yeah.
094. Been On A Plane? - yep.
095. Been On A Boat? - yep.
096. Been On A Train? - yep.
097. Been In A Car Accident? - yep.
098. Ridden An Elephant? - yep.
099. Made A Web Page? - yep.
100. Played With Legos? - yep.
101. Stayed Up All Night? - yep. hated it.
102. Shoved Stuff Under Your Bed To Make It Look Clean? - all the time.
103. Broken A Bone? - nope, strange.
104. Called A Psychic Or Sex Hotline? - nope
105. Watched Jerry Springer? - nope.
106. Gotten In Trouble For Talking In Class? - quite often
107. Been Afraid Of The Dark? - yeah.
108. Been In The Hospital (Not Visiting)? - yeah. had amazing fever.
109. Had Stitches? - nope. thank god!
110. Been In A Fist Fight? - yep.
111. Lap Danced? - yep.
112. Lied? - all the time. to myself. and others occasionally.
113. Been Arrested? - nope.
114. Fallen Asleep In Class? - yep. of course.
115. Used Food For Something Other Than To Eat? - yeah huh.
116. Met A Celebrity? - yes.
117. Broken The Law? - yes.
118. Skipped Class? - yes.
119. Hated Yourself? - not really.
120. Tried to match your friends to characters in you favourite tv show or movie? - no.
121. Fallen Off A Chair? - yes. it was pulled out from under me.
122. Wanted To Kill Someone? - yes, dont you?
Do You...
123. Like To Give Hugs? - yes.
124. Like To Walk In The Rain? - run, yes.
125. Sleep With Or Without Clothes On? - underclothes.
126. Prefer Black Or Blue Pens? - mechanical pencils.
127. Dress Up On Halloween? - yep.
128. Have A Job? - teaching piano
129. Sleep On Your Side, Tummy, Or Back? - back. with my blanket over my nose
130. Have A Goldfish? - they died long ago.
131. Ever Have The Falling Dream? - yes.
132. Have Stuffed Animals? - yes.
133. Like To Give Anal Sex To Animals? - no. not to any other life form for that matter.
134. Believe In The Horoscopes? - yes, mostly. our fate is written in the stars.
135. Like Your Handwriting? - sometimes
136. Have any piercings? - no im a wimp.
137. Have any tattoos? - no.
138. Like cartoons? - they are ok
139. Own A Miniskirt? - yes.
140. Floss? - yes. (that's slang for thong right?)
141. Use Big Words To Sound Smart? - no.
142. Do You Do Everything Better Than Guch? - who's that?
143. Have Your Own TV & VCR? - no.
144. See Dead People? - no.
145. Do You Like Little Kids? - yeah, but only the unconscious ones in their prams.
146. Watch The Weather Channel While Getting Ready In Your Hotel Room On Vacation? - yes.
147. What Superhero Would You Be? - catwoman. meow.
148. Are You Picky? - very.
149. What Makes You Mad? - some people, some things.
150. What Do You Think Of Bush? - green
151. Who Do You Admire? - not many
152. What Time Is It? - 12 am
153. What Did You Do Today? - shopped, studied, homeworked, schooled, cried, hated.
154. Are Your Parents Annoying? - sometimes. conservative parental spasms.
155. What Is The Farthest You Have Ever Traveled? - from where?
156. What Kind Of Shampoo Do You Use? - rejoice.
157. When You Get Mad, Do You Swear A Lot? - fuck yes.
158. How Many Sheets Are On Your Bed? - one.
159. What's Under Your Bed? - history.
160. Are You A Good Speller? - yes.
161. Are You Talented? - yes, probably.
162. If So, How? - musically perhaps.
163. Blow Me? - who are you?
What do you think of...
164. Abortion - ok.
165. Bill Clinton - nothing.
166. Eating Disorders - they happen.
167. Rap - good, if performed live.
168. Suicide - it happens.
169. Piercings - ok once they are past the festering stage.
170. Make-up - the only reason for hollywood stars to exist.
171. Drinking - yes, please.
What Do You Think Of When You Hear This Name...
172. Leah - king lear.
173. Megan - pecan
174. Brandon - fraser.
175. Christina - ricci
176. Angela - annoying fat ass.
177. Courtney - cox.
178. Lauren - ralph
179. Lisa - simpson
180. Jackie - big nosed asian.
181. Kat - the lyricist economics tutor
182. Patrick - four leaf clover
183. Erin - brokovitch
184. Jennifer - paige
This Or That?
185. Be Serious Or Funny? - funny.
186. Single Or Taken? - taken. i wish.
187. MTV Or VH1? - mtv.
188. 7th Heaven Or Dawson's Creek? - neither.
189. Sugar Or Salt? - salt
191. Silver Or Gold? - silver.
192. Tongue Or Belly Button Ring? - belly button.
193. Chocolate Or Flowers? - none
194. Color Or Black & White Photos? - either.
195. Sunrise Or Sunset? - sunset.
196. M&M's or Skittles? - skittles
197. Rap Or Rock? - rap
198. Stay Up Late Or Sleep In? - wish i could sleep in more often
199. Tall Members Of The Opposite Sex or Short? - i require tall.
200. Sun Or Moon? - moon
201. Pierced Nose Or Tongue? - pierced nose.
202. Diamond Or Ruby? - diamond.
203. Left Or Right? - ambi
204. Cat Or Dog? - dog.
205. Mustard Or Ketchup? - mustard.
206. Newspaper Or Magazine? - magazine. because i don't get print on my fingers.
207. Spring Or Fall? - fall
208. A Year Of Hot Sex Or A Lifetime Of Friendship? - a year of hot sex. may i have both?
209. Happy Or Sad? - both. i'm dialectic.
210. Sneakers Or Sandals? - sneakers.
211. Blondes Or Brunettes? - brunettes.
212. Duct Tape Or Scotch Tape? - duct. scotch isnt half as strong
213. Pepsi Or Coke? - neither.
214. Nike Or Adidas? - adidas.
Love Life
215. Been Dumped? - yes.
216. Had Someone Be Unfaithful To You? - yes.
217. Been In Love? - probably.
218. Dumped Someone And Regretted It? - no.
219. Went Out With More Than One Person At A Time? - no.
220. Been Brokenhearted? - yes.
221. Broken Someone's Heart? - i might have.
222. Like Someone? - dunno.
223. If You Could Kiss Anyone In The World, Who Would It Be? - it's a secret.
224. If You Could Date Anyone In The World, Who Would It Be? - too many
225. What Is The Biggest Turn Off? - bad breath, bad teeth.
226. What Is The Biggest Turn On? - eyes, hair, and then some. oh and personality too.
227. Do You Think There Is A Person For Everyone? - yes, only if more people turned lesbian. as it is, the world gender ratio is somewhat skewed.
228. If Yes, Do You Know Where Yours Is? - in my head.
229. Do You Believe In Love At First Sight? - i might.
230. Have You Ever Been In Love? - lust too
231. What Do You Think Love Is? - commercial .
232. Do You Think It Lasts Forever? - it mutates.
233. Do You Want To Get Married? - is that a proposal?
234. How Many Times? - ok.
235. When Was Your First Kiss? - once upon a time.
236. First Grade Teacher's Name - hsiao
237. Last Word You Said - yeah.
238. Last Song You Sang - kiss kiss
239. Last Meal You Ate - beef noodles. and had indigestion. again.
240. Favorite Childhood Cartoon - captain planet.
241. What Did You Hate Most About School - chemistry and that math teacher.
242. Last Person You Flipped Off - dad. and he me.
243. Last Song Stuck In Your Head - powerless
244. Last Time You Were Burned - in hell, all the time.
245. Last Time You Bled - 2 days back. ankle.
246. What's In Your CD Player - britney.
247. What Color Socks Are You Wearing - no socks.
249. What's The Weather Like? - clear.
250. What Time Did You Wake Up Today? - 6:20 effing am
251. Who Do You Want To Marry? - someone
252. Are You Going To College? - yes, this year, to taiwan. i hope.
253. If So, How Long Do You Want To Go? - until i get my undergrad degree.
254. How Many Kids Do You Want? - dont like kids