MY VERY OWN CELL PHONE, MOBILE, HANDPHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hehehe ask me for the number aighty? =) still trying to figure things out tho oops
The seventh year itch
you know, i am utterly convinced that Ilan Mansiz is gay. however, that doesn't really matter =) hehe
you kno, i think the spoons of the world have organized a strike on me...
one hundred useless things about me! *_*
ok i gotta get this out of my system.
oh yeah, before i shrink back into seclusion...
call me a hopeless sap, but the best section of today's turkey vs. korea match was what happened at the end of it.
yesterday's brazil vs turkey match was SO uneventful. i mean, it was so predictable =/ plus, nothing fantastic happened, with ronaldinho and rivaldo out of the match. *yawn*
Dank eines Treffers von Michael Ballack steht die deutsche Fussball-Nationalmannschaft zum siebten Mal im Endspiel eines FIFA-Weltpokals™. Ballacks Treffer in der 75. Minute sicherte der DFB-Elf den knappen aber hoch verdienten 1:0-Erfolg gegen die Auswahl Koreas.
HAlfTiME! @_@ stared bug-eyed at the tv for like the whole duration of the game with the entire family. now i kno why my parents got married... they are all closet soccer fans!! (well, at least they enjoy the moment of the game!) and while the guys over in Korea are doing the official commentary, they were there yelling their own, in mandarin! =)
i just noticed that the ring tone of my home phone (no cell yet, bugger.) seriously sounds like it is part of the tv program. especially those american sitcoms. =)
the first day of school is over!!! =) somehow going to school and actually putting things into action makes one not think about what's in store for me so much, and hence, less stress.. alot of homework tho. dang.
::quotes of the day:: 3 sensationally brainless remarks =) enjoy.
i am unloved, uncared for and totally miserable.
i feel totally blah rite now. tired (tho i just woke up) ... i kinda squashed my hand while sleeping... =/ feels like it's falling off now.
![]() | You are Fozzie! |
i totally enjoy doing these quizzes hehe i'm a quizzy sort of person.. plus its even better now that i have 90% of all the homework done ;) perfect. i can RELAX for a bit now hehe
OOHHHH just sneaked out for a look... yup the party's going on heheheh it's just that my apartment happens to be .. soundproof hehehe =) yupyup going down and buying stuff $$$$$$ BYEEEEe
completed my essay!!!!!!!!! cheer people cheer!!!
i just eradicated an entire colony of those felon-like black ants. they are SOOOO gross =/ unfortunately for them, i happened to be poking around the kitchen sink, wondering where their nest is... and voila! saw a few of them tiptoeing into their nest under this floorboard thing that was underneath the sink.
MY GOODNESS!! Britney Spears once trained under Bela Karolyi!!!!! How shocking is THAT? Can you imagine, had Britney not gone for a singing career... she might just be training for the Olympics?? Ok so you are saying that Britney couldn't possibly be that good... oh well... you never know!
hotmail is really getting to me. everytime i visit my mail box, i get a solemn medical analysis that 'my account size is critical' *quick, someone get me the respirator* argh... i think i mite just have to store my mail elsewhere... and risk losing everything when the comp crashes. (no, the computer shouldn't and WOULDN"T crash)
I act like I'm 16.
This test was brought to you by BLX - Cheap laughs....
$1,805,896.00. -> THAT is how much i am worth ;) wuahaha buy me!
so Senegal lost. while it is always sad to see the defeated team gather in a tight circle looking woe-begone, you can't help but feel happy for the euphoric team that won. alot of bouncing around and smooching i see. indeed excitement makes people do funny things =) *boing boing* did alot of jumping myself hehehe *boing*
*brain about to explode from excessive literature analysis* dang (yes DANG is back ;) mental block and writer's block have both paid me a visit. and as far as my literature holiday assignment is concerned, they are still around, lounging in the faux-furs and sipping coffees. as a matter of fact, they are enjoying themselves, gambolling around laughing at my inability to write anything vaguely cohesive. =/
guess what?
oh well, but it is certainly wonderful to have an asian country FINALLY be in the top __ (fill in the blanks yourself, bc i have no idea wut the match was all about wuahaha)
hmm Korea won Spain 0_0 just minutes earlier... which puts forth my 'let Korea win this round, and let Brazil truly trash them later', which is perfectly GOOD, because although i dislike the idea of spain losing out to korea, i just know that i would hate the idea of spain playing against brazil cuz i'd be torn between those two teams .. spain .. isn't that bad! =D yes, i know that being asian we should probably support asians (birds of the feather flock together?? *hopeful*) hehe but NO!!! it's brazil brazil brazil all the wayyyyyyyy.... and brazil better win!!!! you go ronaldinho.. cute teeth hehehe... there you go, here's what you get when someone who does not know anything about soccer starts to comment on it ;)
The Band Quiz By Rahel
oh this is so much fun... kaier don't kill me cuz i ripped them off! =) hehe
been looking at quite a few people's website over in AsianAvenue and i must say that those people are sooooo darn good at html!!!!! *envious* a couple of them even made it so that the right click was disabled.. and i mean DISABLED, not 'rite-click and get a stupid popup box' ... which takes the fun out of stealing pictures somehow.. *sigh* wuahaha okok i'm bad.
*orchestra and soccer fights for mindspace* ROUND 1 *dingding*
*boing boing boing* brazil WON!!!!!
BRAZIL BRAZIL BRAZIL!! =) i cannot believe that i am watching soccer!!!! wuahaha i was actually watching a vcd, when i heard my neighbor going YES YES YES!! =) hehe yupyup curiosity took over and out when the vcd and in came soccer!! @_@ you know what? it's actually quite interesting hehe.. mm yeah saw michael owen score a goal... and decided that i was going to support Brazil hehehhehe ... oh man it's half time now *waits*
you kno, i just read thru the previous entries of my blog and man are they depressing =/ hmm not too good. should probably be adding a few smileys here and there =) hehe oh well.
alrite, i am immature, i dwell too much in my miseries and i should be looking at the brighter side of things and working towards my goal of whatever instead of moaning about it and complaining. ok i'm in the wrong. you happy now???
just before i posted the previous entry, i felt extremely horrible. it's that all too familiar, on the verge of breakdown feeling. =/ mmm i'm feeling better now tho, after that long long entry... drained, like. i just KNOW that the depression will sink in later on and i will probably end up crying or something... i mean i'm like 100% sure of this occurrence. i'm not at all surprised. i ALWAYS feel horrible when school's about to start -> there are just 101 things to do.. homework, orchestra practice, and majorly the whole daunting THOUGHT of more homework, more cramming, more ORCHESTRA REHEARSALS up ahead. it totally sucks to think that we are STILL having orchestra rehearsals (and on tuesdays, wednesdays, fridays, and saturdays too) when every other single cca has desisted.
for the first time in my life, i watched 'the practice' and god was it so damn good =D i do not think that all episodes are like that, but this one is definitely going to be on the top of the list for awhile. maybe it was my own ignorance, but the storyline just blew me away during the 2nd half of the show. i will attempt to recreate the storyline over here, though obviously, watching the real thing will be a hundred times better!!!!!
will be going to the zoo later on with my brother and his lil pal =D hehe yes! Finally going somewhere .. awesome. No i won't be going there as a specimen, rather, as a VISITOR, thank you very much. I know that half of you people out there don't even like visiting the zoo, and you think that it is the worst thing ever, 2nd to only Escape *grins*. BUT... aww i do like the place hehehehe. Perhaps i will ask them about volunteering in the zoo or something =) Getting a headstart here!!! Anyways, they have a new attraction by the name of Ethiopian i-forgot-the-second-word. So i will go check that out today.. whoopee! =) Hi babboons, here i come!!
happy. =D you kno, complaining is good, but not too much of it to your friends. which means that i am free to express my whims online!! mm yes, out with the bad! i am getting healthier by the minute!! hehehe uh oh .. which means you, by reading this blog.. is getting.. quite sickly. umm an apple? =D readers beware!!! @_@
*phew* the end of another orchestra rehearsal =D hehehe it was fun while it lasted, but gosh spending a whole day in a freezing room isn't my idea of FUN. especially not during summer break. *drained* we just received the rehearsal schedule all the way from late june to july. GOSH IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm sorry to have to resort to vague vulgarity... but but AHHH i am seriously going to expire. =S here's the equation
just came back from a certain village in singapore =) bought my first Bryson book for like 6 bucks off the cover price! ahh that is heaven! =) anyways, i do not understand why asian people suck up to the whites... it gets really disgusting and repulsive to watch them be so spineless and falling over themselves to be extra nice to the caucasian customers. it is really quite embarrassing =/
heyyyy a friend sent me an email regarding the qualities of her dream guy (e.g. boyfriend and the likes), and made me list out mine too ... ok not MADE.. FORCED, ORDERED, more like wuahahah ok i'm just kidding, don't come and slaughter me! being the good girl that i am *everyone pukes* i have dutifully written down my list of 20 hehe =) check it out! i will explain the choices too hehehe (as you can see i am wayyyy too bored)
thanks to the 'xstreme surfer', i am successfully enlightened. hehehe the unnaturally excited and happy people were watching SOCCER! hehehe *ant pleased* ah yes now i can laugh even harder!! wuahahhahahahaha *gets shot* ouch that hurts! =D hehe nevertheless hehehehehehehe... *gets carted off to mental hospital* *tied up in strait-jacket*
kaier you are LINKED! heheheh check out =) wuuahahah weird graphic i know... send me something better ;) hehe buh bai! good luck with braseeelll =)
gosh i just read all my entries and boy do i sound like i have alot of hot air. oh dear. anyhow, yeah well, mood hasn't been too good over the past few days. i think it is because of the holidays! *shocked* *other people shocked too* Before you take my holidays away from me... HEAR MY EXPLANATION!!! =S hehe
i finally have new school shoes!!! for all of those who have seen the condition of my ancient shoes, wuahaha you'll all be so glad that this has eventuated ;) wuahah i should really put in a picture of my 'holey' shoes hehehe, perhaps it mite pass off as an antique and bring in some green stuff? (not mold! wuahaha) i'll miss my comfy sneakers tho *sniffsniff*
quality! heheh oh dear. miss qc has been thru this blog and the quality seems to be dipping further and further below the standard. =I ok let's talk about world peace then. *beep* do i hear violent objections? ho hum. ok that's it. enough for today. i'm being terrorized. gotta go. ahhh. what the...
panic attack -> where are all the people??? friends?? family??? =O help!!!!!!!!!! i'm becoming a hopeless hermit!!!!! hampster help!!
bored. bored bored. bored bored bored. no inspiration ahhh!!! i think the martians have landed and stole my brains yesterday nite. i can't think anymore!!! i still have 2 more essays to go... =( the TYS has nothing remotely associative to those college reader essays that i picked. argh... writer's block... vocabulary constipation.
tonite is a nite dedicated to the various different accents =) in just a mere 4 hours, i was exposed to accents of mandarin, scottish, american, and 'braseeelian' origins. what was i doing? hehe watching tv!
just woke up from a very very long and very very fulfilling (wuahah wrong word) sleep!! *stretches* ooh great stuff! heheh i'm all awake now, at 7:30 pm =) NO SUN!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! *kicks sun away* i do hate the sun, wait, correction, i do not hate the SUN, rather i hate the scorching heat that it sends. So for example, i would be happy in a place with sunshine, but where the temperature doesn't rise say, 23 degrees. Hmm, actually an occasional hot day i can handle, so scratch that ;) Humidity is also a HUGE bane in my life. singapore is overly humid and so stuffs in closets almost always get mildew and whathaveyou. now that is GROSS. =P
ok i've realized that the time on the bottom of each entry is amazingly wrong, and since i have yet to find a way to get that particular tool to work for me, hm just ignore the time of the post =) otherwise i'll seem like some strange person who comes online at all the unearthly hours =S hehe i'm quite healthy, really! for all those people who are dying to know when i wrote all my entries... just use that 9:30 am entry as a reference! have fun counting ;)
i'm back for the 3rd and hopefully final entry of today. (it's about time! hehe) i've just been reading a weekly column written by this friend of mine ;) and a certain line set me thinking about my own perspective as to who i really am and all that psychological stuff. Typical identity issues i reckon. Well anyways, for those people who know me, they will know that i come from a family in which everyone speaks mandarin with a certain relish. In fact here is the breakdown ->
being amazingly bored out of my brains rite now, and having just completed one of my college reader essays *yay!!!!* i have decided to publish YET another one of this journal thing. well, i hope that it is not going to be a one-shot thing and that i can keep it going with similar enthusiasiam throughout... it's whole existence.
guten morgen. the time now is 9:30 am and i have successfully listened to my own whims and chickened out of orchestra rehearsal. yay *does happy jig* anyways, today feels like a great day. i can just feel it in my bones. for starters it was actually COLD in the morning *everyone else everywhere else shakes head* okok it's not my fault that i am 'wonderfully accustomed' to the singapore weather!! hehehe it was a lovely 23 degrees celsius over here, and i was lying in bed WITH THE FAN ON (blowing at me at a distance of approximately 50 cm) snuggling in my blue (yes blue, i've abandoned the hearts) blankie.. yummmy wuahahaha =)